_I: The Heart surely encompasses one of the most beautiful arts…
_AM: Don't even hesitate. It is one of those arts that everyone knows, and yet, to a large extent, is unaware of.
_I: Which one?
_AM: Can the notes of a song come from my lips, that without the intention of greater trappings, can speak the truth of my heart? (Could, from my lips be released, the notes of a song, that without much increase, to my heart's truth belong?)
_I: Poetry?
_AM: Poetry.
_I: This will be difficult to get through in two languages…
_AM: Nothing is impossible.
_I: Well… I understand that poetry is related to the heart, it is perhaps one of the most subtle, most romantic arts. At least the world recognizes it as such. When we say “Poetry”, the first thing that comes to mind is the idea of romanticism, of expressing emotions to a partner… In today's culture it is related to love.
_AM: But you must know that it is not like that. Poetry is the music of words, for which you do not need instruments, other than your thoughts, your emotion, and your voice. Poetry is a sung way of reciting the facts of life, the exploits of heroes, of telling people's stories, of describing common situations in a profound way. Remember that Romanticism emerged in history back in the 18th century as a way of describing the worldly and natural life of the cultures born in Rome, through the art of painting, music, architecture and poetry. The description of life, the love for nature, made people fall in love with a way of seeing the world that was being relegated more to the magic of the moment of happiness, the state of dream in which one finds oneself when falling in love... For For this reason, popular culture saw poetry as a form of escape from love, relating it only to the romantic terms of couples.
_I: But this is where you'll spoil the magic, right?
_AM: I'll just start with it. Poetry does not arise in romanticism although it becomes more complex from this time onwards. It has its origins a long time ago, in the first totemic cultures, in which they used the word as a means of manifestation. The magicians, the sorcerers, the witches... But I am not referring to those of the Middle Ages, but to those of the ancient world, prior to Egypt and Mesopotamia, where the word was used as a form of intention, and where the power of magic was discovered. themselves in the expression of ideas in matter.
_I: “Spells.”
_AM: Mantras, Verses, Spells, Spells, Prayers, phrases that sought to make the invisible into something visible, the alchemy of the verb. Thus, verses emerged that described the intentions and the tools to use...
_I: “Abracadabra, goat legs,” as the popular saying says in a funny way. (hocus-pocus).
_AM: The word Abracadabra comes from the Aramaic “Abra kedavra” which means “I will create as long as I say.”
_I: The power of the creative verb…
_AM: This ancient incantation was a kind of “Amen” (so be it) for the ancients, who became part of fraternities such as Gnosis. His intention was to make it clear that the word was creative, and that expressing a desire, a will, through the word, could make it come true. However, the magic was not so simple.
_I: It had to be complicated…
_AM: As we have been seeing for a long time, reality is made up of a sacred trinity called Vibration, Energy and Matter. Matter can only exist through the exchange of Energy, and energy moves only through the Vibration of the waves that make up the constants of time and space. That is, for something to become real, it must be in accordance, in coherence and resonance with its energy and vibration. This leads us to the fact that for something to become powerful, it needs to enter the metric of the Universe.
_I: Again the mathematics, the metric.
_AM: This metric is provided with the same basis as Music: a Rhythm, a Harmony and a Melody. Everything that vibrates has a rhythm, all energies come together harmoniously, and together they give rise to the matter that gives the melody, what you perceive. Matter is nothing more than a perception of the logic that occurs in the combination of all the data of rhythm and harmony, of vibration and energy. Thus, the measurement of that rhythm in different frequencies, the measurement of that energy in vibrations, and the measurement of that matter in quantities, is what determines a specific reality. All of this, to be able to tell you, that if you want to manifest a reality, you need to calibrate yourself to the metric of energy and vibration that is available there to achieve it.
_I: And how is it done?
_AM: Making the word enter the metric of the vibration of space and time, awakening in its waves the energy that mobilizes action.
_I: …And in practice that would be….
_AM: Poetry. Just as music has Rhythm, Harmony and Melody, the sacred trinity of the verb is Verse, Stanza and Poem. The verse is the initial phrase that will set the rhythm of everything written or said. The Verse is the set of verses that, even having different words, adjusts to the same measure and rhythm of the initial verse, thus being the harmony, like the Chord for music. And together, they make up the Poem, the melody of the verb, the meaning, the soul, the construction of the subject.
_I: So, poetry is the way in which ancient alchemists aligned matter according to the vibration and energy of the environment to modify it. That is why spells are rhythms, that is, they have rhyme.
_AM: And that rhyme is based on the pulses of frequency. Math. In linguistic terms, rhythm is not measured in the frequencies of a wave, but in the syllables of a verse. Each syllable is like a concave and a convex curvature in the wave of the verse, with its high-frequency peak in the stress of the last word. If the word is acute (stress on the last syllable), one more syllable will be added, if it is flat or esdrújula (stress in the middle or on the first syllable of the word), one syllable will be removed. There are verses from two syllables (2 syllables) to 8 syllables, all called Versos de Arte Menor, and from 9 to three syllables (13 syllables), plus one of 14 called Alejandrino, called Versos de Arte Mayor. This measure of a verse must be repeated in subsequent ones to follow the rhythm and harmony, although its order can be in different ways. Despite this meter, there are sonant and other assonant verses, that is, without rhyme, but whose meter maintains the perfect structure. A poem does not always have to rhyme, but rather it must have coherence in its meter. Despite this, the author can give himself “metric license”, that is, produce transformations in the words such as in the Sinalefa (union of two vowels into one at the end and beginning of two words), with its opposite, the Hiatus ( separating two vowels from two words that sound unity), then the Umlaut (putting an umlaut ¨ on a vowel that would normally create a diphthong but does not suit the meter) or its opposite the Syneresis, which would be removing the ¨.
_I: So it's not a simple matter of sitting down and rhyming words that look alike... There's a lot more behind it to make them work...
_AM: In Romanticism, meter was related to sound and reading beauty, but in ancient times it was related to manifestation. Therefore, when thinking about magic, we usually immediately remember verses said by witches and wizards that usually have rhyme, a song naturalized in speech. In the Hellenic era, spells became odes to heroes and gods, narrating battles, exploits, which were not always related to love, but to war conflicts and the tasks to be carried out by those who marked a historical milestone that was became a legend and a myth. In this way, a sung story was much easier to remember. Just as a song becomes catchy because of its rhythm and melody, a poem keeps a story in your mind.
_I: Why is this happening?
_AM: Because, as we have explained once, your brain interprets the external world based on rhythmic pulses, which agglomerate in your neuronal system through resonance, that is, if you see the night, your brain will join similar data, such as “dark, shadow, fear, black, deep, empty, dream”, and to assimilate it it will trigger a chemical reaction that will produce the appropriate emotion so that said information adheres to your being. Therefore, songs that manage to find the perfect meter that aligns with the pulse of the mind remain stuck in your head even if you don't want it to. The same happens with the ideas transmitted by poetry, since its rhythmic singing uses rhyme and the mathematical meter of syllables to put ideas in the head. This is what the ancients did to hypnotize, to bless or curse, to cast a spell, and which was later used to support religious or political slogans, and towards our time, also in the economy and business.
_I: Phrases that rhyme or have the power to stay inside the brain like a seed in the ground.
_AM: That's right. Poetry, then, is not a simple romantic reading, but a powerful tool of magic and revolution. An art of transforming realities. And that's why it has this name.
_I: What does Poetry mean?
_AM: Comes from the Greek word “Poiesis”, which means “the quality of the action of doing”.
_I: So the name itself tells us that its objective is to get to work, to take something into action.
_AM: The Greek verb “Peiein” is used to determine a specific action: create or do something. The sujifo “-sis” indicates action of something. It is the action of doing something. And together with the quality suffix “-ía”, it gives “Poiesía”, which is the quality of acting to do or create something. Therefore, Poetry is the art of manifesting the verb, of making the thought become a verb, and the verb manifest a reality.
_I: It's the perfect spell...
_AM: Poiesis leads us to understand that this is an innate quality of the soul, the action of creating, of doing, something that is natural to each one. Nature has the fundamental quality of Autopoiesis, referring to the fact that an organism makes itself, builds itself. In contrast to the ideologies of the existence of an external creator who has designed us, nature shows us with clear examples what it is like to make oneself what one is, and how after millions of years, we have only seen the autopoietic process of the Universe multiplying itself into millions, making an action from within that leads it to create itself.
_I: Wow… The Creation of the Universe is the greatest of Poems.
_AM: And that is why you can create a new universe, a new reality through your poetry, if you manage to create yourself. Discovering the poietic power in you, the poet who lives in your being. Manifest the spirit in matter through words.
_I: I am the poetry of the universe, I am the poet of my reality...
_AM: You are an expanding verb, of the cosmos manifestation; The song plays in your mind, making your heart beat. (You're verb in expansion, of cosmos manifestation; a song sounds in your mind, which brings your heart to bind.)
_I: I am a child of the void, who fortunately has arrived, to this much desired world; Crossing space and time, I have awakened to my memory: globe-trotting walker, of the native universe... Faced with the greatness of this river, recognized by my truth, I smile. (I'm the Void's child, glorious to have arrived, to this world to thrive; going through space and time, my memories awake and rhy_I: walker of this world, from the universe i'm word… And facing the great stream, I smile to see my true dream.)
_AM: Make your words the keys to creation; May life echo your great song. You are sound and song, you are my soul, mantle. Discover me in your bed, and I will light your chest. Spreading joy, through poetry. (Make your words, the keys to your worlds; may your great song, turn an echo along. You're sound and sing, from my harp a string. Find me down your vest, and I'll ignite in your chest. Expanding glory, through out this poetry).
_I: I Am Guardian of the Heart… (From the Heart I'm Guardian)
_AM: I Am Sense of Reason… (From the Sense I'm Certain)
_I: Well, it's me who beats. (For It's me who beats)
_AM: And whoever presses I AM. (For I Am who feats). Write your poetry, and write the magic of your world.
_I: I will write and pronounce the verbs that create my world.
_AM: “Äbra Kadavra”.