_AM: What is home to you?
_I: Where I feel happy.
_AM: Do you have a home?
_I: No. And it's not because I don't feel happy, but because I have never built a place of security in my life. I never needed to feel contained in a specific place. The only home I felt in my life was my childhood home. I talked to all the furniture, doors, objects in the house, the walls, utensils, the garden... Everything had life for me, and I felt attached to it. When I found out that we were going to leave there, it was difficult for me to accept it, I had to return to the house by bicycle every day from where we had moved. And even though where we were was great and I had my own space, it wasn't my home. Then we moved to Spain, and I didn't feel at home either. Since then we have been moving, since I was 13, every two years from one place to another, and none of it has felt like my home. In Argentina, almost two years ago we managed to buy a house, but for me it is still a house, not a home, because I have not been able to live in it, nor feel that I belong there.
_AM: You haven't lit your fire yet.
_I: No... I have not experienced the cold there, I have not collected myself, I have not lit “the hearth”, the bonfire...
_AM: How does being homeless make you feel?
_I: At first, it seemed good to me, because I felt the Earth was my home. Lately I feel a great need to have that place to call home. But I only conceive of home as that place to share with friends... So... I'm still in that search. Which has now become much more present from the energy of Taurus. What I do feel safe at least for now, is that the place I consider home is not the one where I am alone, but where I share with others.
_AM: You can't see monotonous things.
_I: I need life to have color, I need it to be varied, to give me information.
_AM: To live all the colors of life is to receive a lot of data from the universe. Maybe you should paint the home.
_I: Paint it?
_AM: Yes... Add your colors to the place... Live it from the magic of your soul. Well, there is no better way to contemplate your dreams than by adding color to it, and leaving a mark, a mark, in life. To manifest the home, you must take into account how you imagine it. Have you ever wondered if you dream in color or black and white?
_I: Mmmm, no. Is there a difference?
_AM: When you dream, your consciousness manifests, showing you what your inner world is trying to see in the outer world. The shapes and colors you see are key to identifying what information or level of expression you have, since each color is a piece of information. When you visualize, imagine or dream, and see things in gloomy, dark, grayish tones, it will denote a loss of energy in your being, which accumulates data at low frequency, with an almost zero capacity for wave amplitude, and therefore, breadth of consciousness. If, on the other hand, your dreams are more colorful, you can see that there is much more data, information that opens your mind more to see new options, in high vibration. Also, it is normal for you to dream of situations in which only one color stands out among the others, which indicates what you are thinking or the codes that make up you. Light is the carrier of information from the universe, and therefore, its colors are the books where it is printed.
_I: I think I dream in colors, some days more than others... But, I never thought about this, that each color I look at has information...
_AM: There are millions of colors and their shades, and each one delivers a part of the great cosmic story. You can see, then, that the universe is constantly giving you information every time you observe it, each color that comes to you loads your internal world with information, which you don't even need to think about, in most cases; Well, they are automated data in your brain, stored in ideas, traumas, intentions, pleasures, feelings, to which a color is assigned based on what you saw in that circumstance. The reason why many times when talking about past and sad stories, cinema uses the resource of black and white or sepia images is because low vibration information is recorded in low frequency colors.
_I: It makes sense. In other words, being at high frequency would imply seeing more colors.
_AM: Yes. The same thing that happens in the world of dreaming happens in the vision of the external world, in which the colors you perceive are related to your level of understanding, of openness, which makes you perceive some colors more than others. , or brighter, or more opaque. Colors are like a language, a language of light, this means that it is equated to idiomatic language. For example, if you go on vacation to a very touristy place where there are people from all over the world on the streets, you will hear several languages, but you will surely understand what some are saying in 2 or 3 languages, perhaps you can identify 5 languages even if you do not understand what they say, but many others you will not be able to identify or where they are from.
_I: Of course, that happens on the Ramblas in Barcelona, for example, where it happened to me that when walking I identified conversations in Spanish, Catalan, English, Portuguese, and some Italian, and I could identify French, Russian, Chinese, Romanian, German, although I didn't understand what they were saying. Then there were other languages of which it was impossible to identify the origin, such as the Nordic ones, or to even understand what part of the world they were from.
_AM: This is what happens with the language of colors. We normally understand the language of red, brown, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, white and black. But when we start to see other colors, such as cyan, fuchsia, magenta, mahogany, coral, sapphire, they begin to be more difficult to identify. In the color palette, each degree of darkness or lightness identifies a range of different colors, and each of them can be combined with other colors, generating new ones, in different tones, therefore, in the design, the colors stop having name to be listed as codes.
_I: It's like a library of light.
_AM: Light is the product of the high vibration of waves that traverse the constant of time and space. The photonic particles move through these waves at high speed, in a spiral shape throughout the cosmos, emitted by the radiation of the stars when the chemical reaction between the astral components combusts, such as Hydrogen and Helium in the case of our Sun. The waves move in different high and low frequency spectrums, and as they do so they cross at least 7 Levels.
_I: What are they?
AM: Levels are measured in Wavelength, that is, they are divided according to the number of nanometers between the peaks of a wave. So that you understand it, it would be like measuring how many lines it takes for a particle to move to the lines above, and the same thing is repeated: ——____——-____—–___—-__–_-_-_-_ ( Here, for example, we went from a low frequency to a high frequency, since the first ones need about 6 lines to reach the next level, while at the end, only one is needed). The 7 steps of this Wavelength are called (from lowest to highest): Radio Waves, Micro Waves, Infrared, Visible Spectrum, Ultraviolet, X-Rays and Gamma Rays. Within the Visible Spectrum, there are the colors that we are able to see, that is, the different wavelengths of white light that allow us to see its facets going from Infrared to Ultraviolet.
_I: All the colors we see…
_AM: Taking the example of the lines, since each one is a nanometer, you will need 700 lines in each wave curvature to see the color red, 600 for orange, 580 for yellow, 550 for green, 475 for cyan , 450 for blue and 400 for purple. And between these quantities, you will discover all the others.
_I: But if the colors are seen by the rebound effect of the particles and waves of light against the particles of the objects, what I don't understand is how pencils can have different colors and not reflect the same one if they are in the same light ?
_AM: This is due to the pigments. In nature, primary colors are obtained from natural structures of minerals, plants and animals that in their molecular structure have a specific formation that reflects a specific wave spectrum, something that has helped them evolve, or capture more energy. These pigments are obtained from these elements, which when combined, reflect light in an expected way.
_I: Oh, I understand.
_AM: That's where the word "Painting" comes from, from "pigment", coming from the Latin "pictare", which originates in the Indo-European "Peik", meaning "tear, march, cut", alluding to the act of crushing natural elements or walls where to put the crushed mixtures that shined with colors.
_I: Wow, interesting. That's where rock art comes from.
_AM: That's right, the art of painting by tearing stones and elements. White light can be broken down into all the colors of the visible spectrum by means of a prism that disperses and refracts the light. In nature, this decomposition creates the rainbow. In painting, graphic design, photography, printing and television, certain basic rules are implemented to combine colors between light effects or pigments. The color black can be produced by combining the secondary light colors: cyan, green and blue, magenta, blue and red, yellow, red and green; and to generate white, the primary colors of light must be combined: red, green and blue. Secondary light colors subtract light, while the first add light absorption.
_I: And the pigments?
_AM: Something similar happens with pigment colors, except that their primaries are yellow, red and blue, while the secondary colors are green, yellow and orange. The combination between the primaries and secondary colors generates the other colors. The combination of the three primaries also produces white, while the combination of the three secondary ones produces black.
_I: These are the things that one normally learns in the first drawing classes at school.
_AM: And this is where education comes in, exactly. The colors that we receive from the external give us information about the light that comes from the Sun or from electricity or bioluminescence, information about the environment that nourishes my being. But there is also the internal light, the photons and electrons that make up our bodies, the inner light.
_I: The brightness of the soul, which radiates, right?
_AM: It is the inner potential, the inner sun, the light of being. That energy is emanated from the inside out, and also carries information from one to the outside, data and codes that are reflected in the world.
_I: In art form…
_AM: The Painting. One of the 7 Arts. Graphic design, photography, painting, are the internal tools that allow us to capture the data of the inner world, playing with colors, and manifesting outside what lay deep inside.
_I: Painting fascinates me... It's something I really enjoy, it makes me feel free...
_AM: Everyone will find their own way of manifesting it. At the beginning of time, when hominids began to develop human culture, the way to transmit information over time was to carve, mark the rocks, leaving conceptual ideas on them, such as a circle meaning the sun, or a wave symbolizing a river. Until they saw that with some snails, fruits, sage and minerals they could add colors to those spots on the wall, which led them to discover the first pigments, and make the first paintings that showed animals and activities, as well as circumstances. They told stories with these images, they recorded their achievements. These symbols were perfected until they created a form of language, which was communicated through sacred writing, called Hieroglyphs. The hieroglyph is normally interpreted as something typical of Egypt, but it is not, since many cultures in the Americas, in Europe, Asia and the Middle East, as well as in Africa of course, used this type of writing on the wall, being colored with pigments. The color that was placed on the characters or words would be related to what the image represented, thus giving the color a specific value.
_I: Such as blue is the sky and water, red is the earth, green is the plants, yellow is the sun...
_AM: And from there they moved on to more conceptual terms, with Blue representing freshness and fluidity; red is rigid, structural and aggressive; green is healing, calm; and yellow represents vitality, joy, divinity. This generated a chromatic scale of concepts, which over millions of years, made our brain relate colors with emotions, and emotions with ideas.
_I: The meaning of colors.
_AM: So you can see that each color has a positive and a negative aspect. In the case of the color Red, the Positive leads us to Passion, daring, importance, strength, heat, energy, stimulation, masculinity, excitement, exuberance, daring. The Negative is the Challenge, aggression, impact, tension. In Yellow, the Positive: Happiness, friendship, warning, optimism, warmth, speed, kindness, self-esteem, extroversion. The Negative: Anxiety, irrationality, fragility, fear. In Orange, Positive: Energy, vitality, fun, security, playful, warmth, comfort, food. Negative: Deprivation, frustration, frivolity, immaturity. Green has as Positive: Nature, health, peace, organic, balance, restoration, consciousness, harmony. And as Negative: Boredom, stagnation, enervation. Blue, Positive: Intelligence, confidence, security, serenity, communication, efficiency, logic, reflection, calm. Negative : Coldness, distance, emotional lack. And Violet has as Positive: Luxury, mystery, creativity, spiritualism, vision, authenticity, truth. And in Negative: Introversion, decadence, suppression.
_I: They are the colors of the chakras.
_AM: And they themselves will express these intentions. This rainbow and the different ranges of it were designing the internal world from the external world, giving tools to the internal world to manifest ideas and dreams on the outside. The oldest arts in Africa and Europe began to be followed by the conceptual images of Australia. Asia began to develop its iconography, and they were brought to the Americas. The awakening of the Arts in Painting began as a form of sacred writing, transmission of information, and ended up becoming a form of beauty and expressiveness.
_I: What gave us the art of murals in Egypt and Mesopotamia, the decorated temples of India and China, the mosaics and plaster painting in Greece and Rome with the artistic Birth, medieval, Romanesque art, baroque paintings, the Renaissance …
_AM: It all started with the cave paintings of the Paleolithic, more than 27,000 years ago, describing hunting and gathering. Neolithic art, approximately 10,000 to 15,000 years ago, described sedentary lifestyles. In the Ancient world, Egypt with its sacred paintings, Greece with its naturalism, and Rome with its realistic splendor, gave way to the early Christian medieval arts, occult art, which led to the pre-Romanesque until the year 1000, which gave way to the period of art to Byzantine and Gothic for the next 500 years. There comes the Renaissance, with the emergence of Modern Art, which generates the Baroque, Rococo and Neoclassism, culminating at the end of the 18th century, to begin the Contemporary period, where the arts of romanticism, impressionism, symbolism, modernism and avant-garde; with movements such as cubism, abstractism, dadaism and surrealism, which closed their time after the Second World War. It is from this moment that new, diverse artistic trends emerge, such as realism , pop-art, minimalism, hyperrealism and post-modernism.
_I: They have defined the way we see the world…
_AM: Painting describes what your eyes see, and as you have seen, you do not have to know how to paint well to be an artist of light, what is enough to be an artist of painting is to know who you are.
_I: Know who I am?
_AM: An artist is not one who copies, imitates, who seeks to be like others. A plastic artist is one who is original, who knows who he is, who respects his being, and captures in his works the light that shines in his inner world.
_I: I like that...
_AM: So, I propose something to you.
_I: What?
_AM: May you allow that painter who lives in you to come out, not seeking to imitate, but letting him express himself. What would you paint?
_I: Probably something very different than what I normally try to do.
_AM: Don't paint for others, paint for yourself, what you are. Express your soul, let it come out, release the light from within you refracted in the light and dark, in each of your vibrations, low and high, let it come out, let it express itself. Be who you are, and express it in the colors of the world.
_I: In me I keep the light that contains the information of what I am, and as humanity has done in history, I must release that part of me that will leave my stamp on this history. I am Guardian of my Consciousness, and therefore only I can allow it to be free.
_AM: Paint yourself, be yourself. If God is an artist, then that means you are too. Paint the World that is in you.