Move - Fix


_I: The search for stability, of being in a place, is what gives us the feeling of being fixed in a specific place, while doing, drives us to move, to generate things outside. How to manage movement and fixation actions?

_AM: This duality leads us to the most ancient dilemma of a human culture: nomadism or sedentary lifestyle. Let's start by remembering the universal fundamentals of movement and stability. Do you remember?

_I: The Universe is a constant movement. Waves that vibrate creating different frequencies that propel particles through the constants of time and space.

_AM: And stability?

_I: It is the search to save the energy that is dispersed by movement, in which particles are grouped by resonance creating structures where they share energy and thus stabilize.

_AM: Good. Looking at it from the universal vision, everything that exists is permanently in a development of movement and stabilization that are consistent with each other. Stability brings together particles that make up structures, but that at one point exhaust their reserve, prompting them to seek more energy, which bursts with stability to absorb energy from space, and this change drives movement, which has a chain effect throughout from space. This transforms the structures that the wave passes through, forcing them to rearrange themselves into a new fixed structure.

_I: As you once explained, movement and stability can be understood as the journey of a train through various stations, where it stops at different times to exchange energy, in the form of cargo or passengers, and then continue on its way. route.

_AM: That's right. In this way you can understand that moving or staying in a place are constant processes, and that the entire plant and animal kingdom fulfills them perfectly. Both kingdoms move through space, looking for resources, and adapt stably in a place that provides them with what they need, until the environment changes, and they must move again to the next one, towards another station.

_I: Like plants searching for minerals in the soil, and due to climate change, drought or floods, they grow in other places, and the animals follow those plants, while the predators follow these first animals.

_AM: And this is how the human emerged. First of all, as a hominid, a sedentary being, living in forests, feeding on fruits, insects, roots. The word Sedentary comes from the Latin “sedere” (to sit) and “ente” (entity, being), which gave rise to “sedents” or “sedens”, meaning “that appears to be sitting”. The concept describes that person, animal or thing that is found in a place, giving the terms sedentary, sedentary or sediment. Hominids emerged as such, moving in limited areas of the forests of Africa; But like any hominid population, as the population grew, they had to be divided into herds, since many males could not live together in the same group. They had to move.

_I: And thus nomadism arises. Its origin is the mixture of two terms: Numada, a tribe from the Sahel, a sub-Saharan region, where the people were shepherds and traveled from one place to another with their animals, and on the other hand, its conjunction with the Greek verb “nemin” ( pasture, graze, spread) which comes from “nomós” (pasture). In a way, both are related to pasture and livestock, to the idea of ​​traveling in search of good pastures and to the distribution of territory. Due to climatic circumstances, humans had to leave the forests and begin to follow the animals, even domesticating some that they took from one place to another looking for pasture and water, which made them nomadic. These cultures were the ones that took humans throughout the world. We are children of the movement. Migrations have been the key to human improvement. Migrating is a concept that emerged from the Indo-European, “mei-” which means to move outside, change places. The movement, therefore, of Indo-European origin “meu”, describes this innate human characteristic of moving. However, it is related to any attitude that involves manifesting energy outward.

_I: And in a sedentary lifestyle… Being fixed?

_AM: Fix, fixed, comes from “dhig”, which is to hit something against something, to nail it. This reference to sedentary lifestyle is clear when the ancient stories of the founders of civilizations are described. Everyone stuck a stick in the ground and said: “Here we will build a civilization.” Like Manco Capaq for the Quechua, stories and native peoples of North America, Africa, the Middle East... Putting the staff in the ground, nailing it, placing a foundation stone, mark the axis of the beginning of sedentary lifestyle, like the shepherd who leaves his staff and build your house.

_I: But… Does this imply that being fixed is not having movement?

_AM: No, being fixed implies finding the axis. Imagine a bamboo forest, whose canes grow fixed, firm, strong, and yet are flexible, allowed to move by the wind, and dance in circles and ellipses.

_I: To be firm and flexible like bamboo... That does not break even if it is bent.

_AM: Let's then understand the most philosophical concept of this matter. People often live between two worlds, movement and fixation. For most, moving is a waste of energy in the same way as for atoms, which is why they seek stability, fixing themselves in one place, staying there. The counterproductive thing about both cases is that constant movement prevents the anchoring of firm and strong foundations in the future, while just being fixed clothes us with rigid structures. Rigid and fixed people interpret movement as a kind of crisis, of change, that awakens fear and insecurity, instability to what they have built. Beliefs, routines, life patterns, design your life brick by brick, putting a rigid shape to your existence. This hardens the character, and makes it hard, rough. This will generate long-term problems, because in times of change, it will be impossible for them to adapt, and when the environment forces them to bend, they will break.

_I: Crisis… Breakup, rupture, is what many families and individuals experience when they have their beliefs or life formats so schematized.

_AM: It is necessary to dare to move, to experience different situations in diverse environments. Learn about things you have never seen or felt, open yourself to the world to understand new options.

_I: What I see in people, families and societies that fail, is that need to maintain an idea above reality, like basing all their decisions on something merely ideological, without logic at a contextual level, like when a country closes itself to See how others obtain better results with a methodology, to stay with only what you think even if it gives bad results. I have always considered this. For example, if Finland is number 1 in the world in education: why do other countries waste time looking for other ways and do not analyze how to apply Finnish education?

_AM: Because there are many factors to take into account, and it is not just that education has stagnated in a pattern, but that the culture did it, the economy did it, all systems are stagnant, and to apply change in just one , would not produce a positive effect. It is necessary to produce changes and structural movements to make people more flexible to receive the new ones. It is not as easy as imitating, but it involves knowing internal conflicts. It's like wanting to help someone face their fears by parachuting them without knowing what the origin, source of their fear really was. People become fixed on themselves due to unfounded fears at the foundations of their personality, of the creation of their being.

_I: And those of us who move? What is our great conflict?

_AM: Not being able to capture. You, nomad, have captured more things than ever since you were able to accept a sedentary lifestyle for more than a year. Moving only stirs, but does not manifest. A fixed anchor is needed to manifest something concrete. When you find a firm place, it is like an island in the middle of the sea. You will not grow corn, potatoes, or raise chickens in the water. The instability of the waves produces long-term insecurity, since everything can change, it is fluctuating, and you can only carry a few things with you that are useful.

_I: The suitcase that I always carry…

_AM: It's been years since you painted pictures, you didn't write so much. Long time without listening to yourself in silence. When you found the place, you could see the next step, the foundation of the next step. He who only moves is a drop in the ocean. Those who are only fixed in one place are more likely to break down. But whoever, finding a fixed axis, allows himself to swing in soft and wide movements, has found the key to life.

_I: The axis… Like the Earth… That moves, fixed on an axis…

_AM: Exactly. The circulation of blood in the firm axis of the bones, the rotation of the Earth on a north and south axis. The staff of power, internal rod, that allows you to always remember who you are even if you move in many options. Building one's axis makes us fixed in the essence of who we are. Discovering who you are is what gives you the greatest axis of life, and recognizing the place in the world that gives you that stability is what will allow you to manifest.

_I: So, I need to think about what place in the world gives me clarity, er, makes me feel at home, and find a way to live in that place.

_AM: That's right. It may seem crazy from a sedentary and fearful point of view of reality... But it is the key to the transcendence of being.

_I: And in this way, never stop, always investigate more...

_AM: Moving is knowing, it is opening to existence, to growth, allowing energy to flow, nourishing the axis on which we are based.

_I: The two pillars of my life, the fixed axis and the movement…

_AM: The I, and the I Am.

_I: You already know, I am doing everything possible from this stability to find my fixed axis within, and so I am manifesting like never before the places where I will capture my mission, my being.

_AM: And when you do, you will be able to move freely, knowing that your legacy is manifest.

_I: I am your Movement… In constant generation.

_AM: I am your Fixed Axis… In constant harmony.


Go - Return


Do - Be