Matrix and Pattern


_I: If there is a duality on which we are all based and in which we walk, that is the duality “Matrix and Pattern”. We have already talked about both, but not as the polarity it represents in our lives. We have said that Matrix comes from Latin and means “uterus”, gestation matrix, which gives rise to the word Mother, mom. And on the other hand, Patron comes from the Latin “protector”, which gives rise to the word Father, dad. But what is the relationship between the two beyond mom and dad, gestator and protector?

_AM: Visualize a spider web. The entire network fabric is what you call a matrix, it is all the possible paths interconnected as a whole. Now, each of the fabrics that compose it are the individual paths of the network, each one carrying a specific vibration, and they are called patterns. The Divine Matrix, then, is the cosmic fabric composed of millions of Patterns. Without Patterns, the Matrix would not recognize its structure, its strength, or its destiny. But without Matrix, the patterns would have no purpose or meaning.

_I: So we need the Matrix to have meaning, and the Pattern to have objectives.

_AM: As we said, the Matrix is ​​a network of networks, an eternal and multidimensional framework, like an extensive cave full of thousands of spider webs that cross each other creating a single matrix. It crosses all dimensions, all existences, connects all directions of time and space, and multiplies to the greater number of weaving spiders.

_I: Who are the spiders?

_AM: They are the alchemists of reality, those who saw themselves capable of understanding how reality works, and were able to build their own. Spiders are not those dark creatures of nightmares. The pattern of the divine fabric is hidden in them: 8 legs that represent the 4 directions of Time and Space, creating the Cube, the center of the cosmic fabric. And with their 8 eyes they contemplate, feel, perceive the resonance, vibration of these paths. The weavers are those who traverse the directions of time and space from the center of the network, feel the resonance, and consciously observe everything that happens in them...

_I: Is it possible, then, that what I am doing in my life is preparing to be “a spider”?

_AM: That's right. By joining the Network, being at the axis of the fabric of planetary consciousness, every day you place yourself in the center of the fabric, in a cube, from which you pull the resonance of the 4 times and 4 spaces... And to do it every time More consciously, you work on your patterns, the strings that connect the web.

_I: Each topic we are working on represents a pattern, well, one of those network structures that I must adjust in myself to be able to feel the vibration...

_AM: The history of humanity exists thanks to patterns. Without patterns you wouldn't be here. The biology of this world was designed to protect itself from external conflicts. Thus, every cell in your body is programmed to defend your being and ensure its subsistence. That which has managed to protect you, that has been successful, continues to repeat itself, constantly, proudly. Thus, what protected you can always continue to protect you, becoming a pattern. Culturally, hominids have placed the hunter and warrior man in that role, and over time they knew him as “the patron of the family”, the boss, the father. Families then began to be guided by laws and instructions from the father, who also became patterns. The fight for survival placed above all the paternalistic system that ended up becoming the power of the father: patriarchy. Thus, any system that is disposed to the structure of war, defense, control, whether directed by a man or a woman, is recognized as “patriarchy”, not because of the male, but because of the fight, supremacy and defense. Thus, throughout the history of each family, patterns began to repeat, with the aim of protecting the integrity of the nucleus and the clan.

_I: But, there is a notion that patterns are bad… Why?

_AM: Because patterns are based on fear and insecurity in the face of change, transformation. They ensure permanence. For this reason, when a person seeks to change in their life, they begin to identify the patterns that prevent them from doing so, and are forced to fight against them to make their way to something new. It looks like a fly stuck in the spider's webs.

_I: So the bosses are there to defend us and ensure our lives, but they hold us back and prevent us from continuing to live in freedom if we seek to escape from them.

_AM: Because its mission is precisely to keep you stable, without transformation, since there is a risk of dying. For this reason, family, cultural, social, educational, religious, philosophical and scientific systems will do everything possible to fight against anyone who wants to break the patterns on which they are based.

_I: And how do I get out of the patterns?

_AM: As we already said, you have to understand why they were there in the first place. A pattern is a traveled path, you cannot retrace a path, you cannot unlearn acquired knowledge or wisdom, but you can redefine it and give it a new meaning or purpose. The reason for being a pattern is to ensure your survival through a way of acting. Therefore, show your life, your family, your body, your soul, that you can use another way, transcendental, to obtain the same result. For example, there are many people who believe that throughout their history they have survived as a family thanks to the tolerance of the same partner throughout their lives, and so they tirelessly seek to find a partner to feel safe. However, when one becomes aware, he knows that another person is not needed to feel stability and security. So, you have to show life that you can find that stability by loving freely without always having to look for a partner. It is a very general example, but common, since you are mammals.

_I: Yes, I understand, it's something very similar. And why do we think that Pattern is opposite to Matrix?

_AM: Well, if a pattern is a line, the matrix is ​​the entire fabric of lines. The pattern marks a path where to go, and the matrix envelops in all directions with nowhere to go. These two concepts have something in common in the human notion: everyone wants to free themselves from mom and dad. They see the Matrix as a prison and the Pattern as a mandate. Both prevent free action. You are determined by what mom and dad have done. The matrix is ​​the generating network, it is not a trap, it is the vibration that connects everything and traverses all existence, it is eternity...

_I: …Love…

_AM: And the Pattern is the fundamental force that drives one to realize oneself, to search, to build... It is the intention that leads to transformative action...

_I: …The Will…

_AM: And together they manifest the understanding, the ability to recognize that every impulse is the tool that allows us to create from the eternal vibration and integrate the fruits of what we have been able to generate...

_I: …Wisdom…

_AM: Love and Will are the parents of Wisdom, the sacred trinity of divine attributes. The Balance of both networks, the Matrix and the Pattern, lead to becoming fully conscious in learning what it is to be and manifest. Both paths unify the eternal and the finite, the fabric of existence from which we learn and improve at every step. Thus, patterns are the tools created to allow us to continue on the path, and these tools have given us the skills to use them. You can't forget them, but you can learn new tools, improve them, improve your technique, and by discovering said potential, you express creativity, love, expression, life; and both concepts generate the meaning of your existence, you become wise. Therefore, when you recognize that matrix and pattern are not external or opposite aspects, you discover that both are the result of your experience, foundations and pillars of your wisdom, key to the real freedom of Being.

_I: Well, you only find the freedom of Being when you are able to become the creator yourself from the Wisdom of your experience, manifesting with Will a generation of Love.

_AM: Look at everything this matrix taught you, everything your patterns showed you, and turn them into your wisdom to create the Great Web that hangs from your heart.

_I: I Am the Network of the Matrix and the Pattern, converted into the Wisdom that awakens the Will and Love in all the paths of Creation.


Sense and Nonsense


Good and Evil