

_I: “Innamam!”, we celebrated with songs, wishing each other a good start to the new year. During the Atlantean period, around 12,000 years ago, the colonies of this civilization had two Initiatory paths to follow to find the divinity within us.

_AM: The Tu-Sut and the Hu-Sut.

_I: The Tu-Sut was the initiatory path of Space, which we crossed from South to North along the Nile River, from Nan-Ah, current Lake Victoria in Uganda, to Bishmar Island, current Cyprus. It was divided into 12 sectors embodied in 12 temples and pyramids where the being integrated divinity into matter. While the Hu-Sut was the initiatory path of Time, related to the path of the 12 constellations, periods of internal growth, where divinity was integrated into the soul. Both paths form one…

_AM: The path of Hol-Hah.

_I: It was a journey of space and time where the being became whole and coherent, recognizing the incarnated universe. The Path of Tu-Sut began in the Heart Center of the Earth, and from there the humanoid body of the Great Humanity was drawn in geography along the spine of the Nile, which we called Tul-Fah, the Great Flow. Thus continued the Ankles (feet), the Knees (legs), the Root (genitals), the Sacral (adrenal), the Plexus (pancreatic), the Heart (cardiac), and above this, the expansive center of the High Heart of the Being, to continue with the Laryngeal (throat), Third Eye (pineal) and Crown (Hypophysis), from where a journey of transcendence began towards the last point on Bishmar Island, where the Heart of Heaven Center was anchored.

_AM: The 12 physical stages of divine integration here.

_I: And this tour had to be carried out over a full year, passing through each temple within a period of 30 days, a month, where in its 3 weeks of 10 days each, the Mind, Emotion and Physicality had to be integrated. of each constellation that passed overhead. Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Cancer. This path had 5 days outside of time, to celebrate the Idilien, the Elemental creators of all reality: Fire, Earth, Ether, Water and Air; beginning the year on the day when the star Inna (Sirius) appeared again on the horizon, becoming visible at night minutes before the Sun makes its appearance.

_AM: Remembering that due to the oscillating movement of the planet that allows the instances of solstices and equinoxes, our perspective of the sky changes, since when it moves, some stars remain hidden for a long time, almost 6 months, being visible in one hemisphere while in the other they have apparently disappeared.

_I: So, the Atlanteans did not have a fixed calendar, since calculating time as something immovable is impossible, since time is related to spatial events.

_AM: For this reason the Atlantean year always begins with the appearance of Sirius again on the horizon, beginning the cycle of 360 days divided into 12 months of 30 days each, plus 5 outside of time.

_I: Due to the precession of the Equinoxes, the appearance of the brightest star in the sky can occur later or earlier, for example, at the beginning of the Egyptian civilization, in 3500 BC, the north star was Draconis, and therefore the position of the planet was different from the current one that points to Polaris, which made Sirius appear on the horizon towards the middle or end of August (this precession implies that every 72 years the Earth moves the direction of the pole one degree physical north in relation to the sky, forming a global cycle of about 25,920 years).

_AM: But it is important to keep in mind that depending on the latitude, the star will appear sooner or later. The closer to the Equator, the star will appear in early July for the northern hemisphere, or early December in the southern hemisphere. The further towards the poles, the more days it will take to appear.

_I: According to the current position of the north of the planet, and related to the fact that Giza, Egypt, is where this horizontal and vertical path was carried out as the Axis of the World, this fact in which Sirius reappears occurs at latitude 33 North, being around August 4th. That is, today.

_AM: Therefore, here and now, we wish you all a happy “Innamam”.

_I: Innamam, comes from the words Inna and Mam, In-na being the Atlantean name of the star Sirius, and Mam being the word that summarizes the being between two doors, one of exit and one of entry, alluding to the cycles of time he goes through. Innamam, expresses the celebration in which all beings have completed the process of 360 days or degrees that make up a conscious sphere, to celebrate the moment of transcendence to a new level in the 5 days outside of Time, to begin a new cycle from a innovative perspective.

_AM: And that is why today we begin this new year, in which we retrace the meaning of this path that we have traveled together since 2020.

_I: Inviting you all to start the Camino again from today, but this time not from theory, but from action and practice.

_AM: It is time for each of you to start writing your own dialogues between I and I am.

_I: It's time to take responsibility for your own paths.

_AM: And like everything in the Universe, it begins with the big question.

_I: Which I ask you today, so that you can write and manifest a new story.

_AM: Tell me, then, wanderer:

"¿Who are you?"

