I Am the Octahedron


_I: …The Universal Seed. When you first mentioned the concept of IAM to me, you called it the Universal Seed. What is it?

_AM: Let's start at the beginning: a seed. What is it?

_I: It is the minimum expression of a plant, where the potential of an entire tree is found. A form of reproduction…

_AM: …And of transcendence. The Seed is the beginning and the end of all things, in all the kingdoms of creation. Everything arises from a tiny particle that contains all the potentials, that is capable of housing all the information of the Being, and improving it.

_I: In the case of a Tree, the seed is the final product. The fruit is not, since the fruit arises only to nourish the seed.

_AM: And the cycle begins again. Just like in mammals, a sperm and an egg. In fungi there are spores, in rocks there are minerals, and in matter there are particles. “From dust we come, and to dust we go,” but more specifically, from one seed we arise, and to another we return.

_I: The seed is, therefore, the true eternal cycle, the origin and end of all things, which is a new beginning.

_AM: Many humans believe that eternity is a static, perennial, immovable concept. However, the key to eternity is transcendence. The only eternal thing is the seed, since it is in itself what originates life, what contains its potential, and is in turn the only purpose of all creation: to re-create a seed, to pass the baton.

_I: If each kingdom has a specific seed, and each species makes use of different aspects of it, which is the original? I mean the one that makes us all one.

_AM: That seed is the Octahedron.

_I: But how does it come about, if it's the first thing?

_AM: Well, there is the paradox of the Universe. It arises from the nutrients of the fruit, but the moment the fruit is created, so is the seed, at the same moment. The fruit is the Cube, where are the nutrients that will unify the potentials. Therefore, there is a positive and a negative force, the Merkabah. You will wonder where the octahedron is then.

_I: …In the center.

_AM: Exactly. In the middle. The conjunction of both tetrahedra gives rise to the octahedron, the Seed of this great Tree that we call the Universe.

_I: …The Universal Seed.

_AM: Now, contemplate the Pyramid in which you find yourself. You only see one side of it, four triangular faces, but, that's only half of the geometry. Below, the root is manifested. An exactly the same pyramid, but anchored in the earth. Like a seed. Each Pyramid in the world is a Seed, inside which is the potential of the Universe.

_I: This is why you have brought me to the Great Pyramid to activate the Potential of ISOY.

_AM: Because a human is the seed of his own being and that of his peers, friends and family. A Pyramid is the seed of the Human Being, of the Species, in which its peers are the other species and kingdoms of nature. Each seed has a name, a vibration. The name of the Universal Seed is YOSOY.

_I: But in any specific language?

_AM: No. The seed does not have sound, it has vibration. This means that the language does not matter, the intention matters. When you are coherent and know what I AM means, by pronouncing it, you will be lighting the Seed.

_I: And like every seed, it needs to take root.

_AM: Oh, yes, and that is the most difficult stage because, for a good plant to grow, it needs the pressure of the earth; It needs the nutrients and firmness that darkness provides.

_I: Does this mean that to activate the seed, we need to go through pain, suffering, anguish and so many other things that hurt us?

_AM: Not necessarily. Everything you just mentioned is a choice, not a reality. Plants turn the hard rock and impediments in their path into anchors to hold onto the ground. The waste of others is converted into nutrients and food. The choice is to be Conscious or Unconscious. He who still lives in the belief that there is evil and good, still lives outside the real universe, and is based on the colored mirrors of the mind.

_I: It is difficult to reach consciousness from a human vision.

_AM: It is, yes. But it's not impossible. But don't get me wrong, because the fact that there is no evil or good does not imply that balance and imbalance, and therefore, justice, do not exist. Justice seeks balance, not punishment or reward. Therefore, while the roots are buried deep, on the other side, leaves, stems, flowers and fruits sprout.

_I: The Tree… It is the union of the two forces. The Dark that nourishes our reality, and the Light that gives it meaning.

_AM: Both coexist in the Octahedron, all potential is useful when it is conscious.

_I: How do I activate it in me?

_AM: Well, with the nutrients of the fruit. Remember the Cube questions. The 6 Potentials you observe. And remember the 4 nodes of Time and the 4 nodes of Space.

_I: Wisdom, Will, Love, Mind, Emotion and Action are your Potentials, and the process of Time is Express, Experience, Integrate and Transcend, while Space is North, South, East and West.

_AM: So, in the 4 directions, you must live the process of each of your Potentials. It is an arduous task, I do not doubt it, but it is Conscious Life. An Octahedron has 6 vertices and 8 triangular faces. This means that the upper pyramid will take the 4 processes of Time as its light potential, and the inverted pyramid will take the 4 directions of space as its shadow potential. And in the union of light and darkness, you will find love, will, action, emotion, wisdom and mind.

_I: The octahedron is a map, well, a map of Being, of its balance and equilibrium.

_AM: A map of what you are capable of through time and space. Enter the pyramid again, and this time become the Seed of I AM, become both potentials, and radiate to the infinity of time and space.

_I: Below my roots, above my branches and leaves. The Great Tree of Life, which connects everything, the celestial branches of the dimensions, celestial kingdoms, dimensions, divinities, and in its fruits the galaxies and the worlds. And below, the roots, the history, the creators of realities, the foundations of all material creation.

_AM: When you contemplate the entire Cosmos emerging from you, you will know that you are a reflection of the Seed. Then, you yourself can be the Universe.

_I: I am the Seed!

_AM: I am Octahedron!


I Am the Dodecahedron


I Am the Cube