_I: Since the first time I went to Rosario, and saw the Monument to the Flag, I was amazed. Every time I have returned and set foot on the first step, I feel like I have traveled to another time, to antiquity, to a kind of Rome, Greece, Egypt or even Atlantis, to a Sacred Temple that is more than a Flag, it is a temple to the spirit of a Nation. Facing the Paraná River, which I call "the New Nile", the Monument makes me feel that it is our Great Sphinx of the South. Its shape is that of a ship, carrying the Free People of the World to a new port, to the new world. The same, built with stone and marble, open to the winds from north and south, carrying the peoples along the great river, bearing history in statues surrounded by waters behind, containing in its center the Votive Flame, which keeps alive the spirit and soul of those who live and die for the Nation. The 4 elements are present there freely, and in its inscription, the first verse of the Argentine National Anthem: "Hear, mortals, the Sacred Cry: Liberty, Liberty, Liberty...". I consider this to be the First and only temple that remains alive throughout the country. Rosario is at the same level as Cairo but mirrored: at the beginning of the River Delta, on the 33rd latitude, but to the South. In that case, looking at the maps like a mirror, I was born in this life in the same place where I died in that one 12,000 years ago: in the fertile valley of present-day El Fayum, ancient Lake Habbadaptra, mirror to the beyond, Eye of Divinity, which at that time was much larger, and of which its South American mirror is the territory of the lagoons whose center is my city, Venado Tuerto, that of a single Eye. But this time, not on the 30th Meridian, but on the 60th, a quantum leap to another level of consciousness. Latitude and Longitude are the coordinates of a mission, of a purpose of my existence, born in the Argentine arm of Santa Fe, in the reflection of my ancient death among the water mirrors, moving from a desert of sands to a desert of crops, near the Great Sphinx of the new Nile... As I said, my first memory was seeing myself in front of the Great Sphinx in Egypt, looking at its face, and reminding me of our ancestral motto "Emmesdah" (for Memory), telling myself as Shiw that I had to return, 12,000 years later, and that when looking again into the eyes of the Great Guardian, I would remember. Just as looking at the Egyptian Sphinx I remember my past, when looking into the eyes of the Argentine Sphinx, I remember my future. I sent myself to be born in that land, but to understand my purpose, I had to return to Egypt, and make Egypt speak.
_AM: "Egypt will speak, it will give the guideline."
_I: What we have come to do in the new world is to continue what we have not been able to do in the old world, but this time in a completely different way. And the key to all this is Politics. But, politics is something dark today, it is no longer something honorable as in antiquity. How to heal the vision of what politics and its evils imply for us today?
_AM: It is necessary to remember the origin of things to determine their future, it is fundamental to understand that systems are created by humans, and it is not the systems that must change, but rather the human being as such.
_I: 12,000 years ago politics was not a choice, but an obligation. We came from the Age of Virgo, a time of order and structures of matriarchal ancestral programming, and we moved to the Age of Leo, a time of self-reference and hierarchy of Being. The search for the system was to be more than Kings and Queens, it was to become Gods and Goddesses. The Dasnái, or Atlantean Families, were the ones who maintained that virginian order in a leonine system. Today we might think that something like this was a control system, and yet it was not. Perhaps simply because the people in power did not have power over others, but over themselves. The Families were forced to undergo a series of tests that lasted for years, exhaustive preparation of our coherence to govern our inner selves before governing the external. The Initiation Path turned leaders into spiritual initiates who understood the nature of divine things in every atom of existence, understanding the people as an extension of themselves. Power resided within, not like today where it resides in the ability to manipulate. This generated trust, collaboration, and a sense of unity in the citizens, until everything changed.
_AM: That's why you're here again, on the Nile... To remember that path, to make Egypt speak, to remember what we must do going forward. To bring it to the Southern Nile, the Paraná.
_I: Which I really take as a personal challenge. Argentina is one of those countries that I don't understand, I don't fully understand, and frankly, I'm uncomfortable being there. That's why I know it's my mission, because it's my challenge. As a Libra ascendant, it's a country with great conflicts of justice, division, corruption, confusion, conflicts of values, and it's clear that all countries have these in their systems, but for some reason, one living in Argentina can notice that it's much more cultural than political. It is the being and not the politician that is corrupted. It's a reflection of the world. Just as in my country politics is a bad word, in the world it is becoming more and more so every day.
_AM: The concept of Politics emerged in Greece, in ancient times, described by Greek philosophers who described Hellenistic organization through their city-states. For this, we must understand geography, once again. The most ancient civilizations were born on the banks of the Nile, Tigris, Euphrates, and Indus rivers. All of them in the Middle Eastern region, with the Nile starting in Africa and ending on the Mediterranean coast of the Sinai, the Tigris and Euphrates from Turkey bathe the Arabian desert to the Persian Gulf in the middle, culminating in the region in Pakistan with the Indus descending from Kashmir in the Karakorum. This region surrounded by deserts in the south and by salty sea, mountains, and sweet sea (Black Sea, Caucasus, and Caspian Sea) to the north, built the basis of all ancient human society, long before Egypt and Persia, since the Atlantean era. Remember that the first human groups were herds, and everything was organized into clans and families. The greater the number of individuals, the greater the order and union they needed. Religion was key to uniting individuals; and the shaman, family priest, became a kind of advisor. He advised on planting, harvesting, ceremonies, administration, and with his wisdom tried to resolve conflicts. Thus, he was considered a guide. But often, the same priest appointed the strongest and most determined of the family to lead them. Thus arose the one who decides for the group, the one who rules: the king. The queen organizes the herd while the king guides it, and the priest advises. This created the formation of a first social system. In the expansion through the Middle East, the vast expanses of desert, mountains, and valleys made the organization imperial, trying to control what was seen on the horizon, guiding those who live under the same terrain. However, in the Mediterranean expansion, settlers settled on islands, and above all, those who from Anatolia went to the Balkans, found an Aegean Sea dotted with small islands. Each creating its own kingdom, since the horizon was the sea. Each island had only one city, and some inhabitants from surrounding fields. Each city had its own king, and from time to time, they met to talk among themselves about everything that happened in their cities. Thus arose for the first time what we call "City-States" of the Hellenistic peoples. City, in Greek, is said "Polis", and the suffix "ikós" means "related to, what has to do with". "Politikós" is that which refers to the cities. The Greek Politicians were the kings representing the states of the islands, and the philosophers were their wise counselors. The philosophers were the lovers of wisdom (philós = love, sophé = knowledge), a new branch of Greek priesthood. Their interpretation of reality designed the Birth of the current Culture, which would be resumed several centuries later in the Renaissance. They established different forms of "politics", and established, like the ancient Egyptians, that there were different types of manifestation of power, and they called them "kratos" (democracy = power of the people, aristocracy = power of the best, technocracy = power of knowledge, plutocracy = power of the rich, autocracy = power of oneself, bureaucracy = power of desk, timocracy = power of the one with value or gold, mesocracy = power of the middle), and their organizational principles they called "Arkhé" (Oligarchy = government of a few, Anarchy = without government, Autarchy = government of one alone, like dictatorship, Hierarchy = government of the sacred, Synarchy = shared government, Polyarchy = government of many).
_I: So these are political systems, meaning, they describe the ways in which the organization relations of a group are carried out. So the Kingdom, Empire, and Dictatorship fall under the definition of Hierarchy (because power is granted by the sacred, by God), Autarchy (because it is concentrated by one alone), and Plutocracy (because it is usually the one with the most money or resources).
_AM: That's right.
_I: And what about a Republic?
_AM: The same can arise from Oligarchy, Democracy, Polyarchy, Bureaucracy, Technocracy, as the Republic is a Roman concept arising from the Senate. In antiquity, the Greek kings decided to create a space where the spokespersons of each Polis could sit down to discuss important matters and reach common agreements. The kings didn't have time for these things, so they created "The place where people Speak" = Parliament, from the verb "parlare" (to speak). There, the Elders, the wise elders, addressed the issues that arose, and with their experience made decisions. Elders, in Latin, are known as "Senex", which gave rise to the group of elders who unite = "senatus" (Senate).
_I: A group of elders who gather to talk, like now... Hehe...
_AM: That's how it was born. These elders had to be trusted by the king, and they were usually a few landowners with money, that is: plutonian oligarchs. However, they increasingly gained more power, and they met in public spaces where citizens could sit and contemplate the talks, what they called "Agora". Thus, the people no longer had contact with the concept of King or Emperor, and began to feel more represented by Senators and Parliamentarians. That's why the elders decided to embody the power of the people, and appealed to the "Res Pubblicas" (from Latin: the things of the people), which gave rise to the "Republic". Thus the senators took power. Without ceasing to be a handful of old men with money. They continued to represent the people in an openly feudal manner, where problems were heard in public to be solved.
_I: Democracy?
_AM: Of course not. Democracy worked for a few years in the Greek islands, and from population growth was discarded and never spoken of again until the French Revolution.
_I: Why? Today everyone says we live in Democracies.
_AM: I'm sorry to say, but you never have. You never have. Democracy is a system formed on the Greek islands in which there are no discursive representatives with ideological visions, but conflicts that must be resolved by competition.
_I: How does it work?
_AM: Three or more citizens volunteer to solve problems. An open and public Agora chants the problems there are, and each of the solution-knowledgeable propose the best ways to achieve it as a kind of public theater. The people chant the best option. But then, the contest begins. The names of those who propose are placed in an urn, and whoever comes out by chance must carry out the project with the advice of the others as their ministers. Thus, the people chose the project, but not the person who will do it, because only chance could make that decision. This meant that the people decided what they needed, but that no one could sell themselves as the best option, the democratic system would never allow an individual to sell their image to achieve their objectives.
_I: In democracy, there are no political parties.
_AM: Exactly. There are no names, only projects. Nobody votes for people, only solutions. And if the person chosen by random draw does not comply with what the people have asked for within the expected time frame, she is immediately revoked from her position and never again chosen to propose solutions.
_I: Wow… Clearly we have never had democracy.
_AM: No, you have only had Autarkic or Synarchic Oligolutonian Republics. The concepts of Political Parties refer to “that which starts”, that is, that defines something that initiates the will of a part of society, that represents a sector, but that divides society into ideologies. And, like the Romans themselves, they set up “Campaigns” in battle to gain territory, those today continue to fight territorial wars of ideologies and external power, since Campaign is the concept of setting up camp in a war.
_I: Of course, for example, everyone agrees that Education is important, but instead of solving education and its problems, the person with a certain ideology about education is defended in a fight, and nothing is ever done. in education for wasting time defending ideals or characters. Something that I have always seen as ridiculous is talking about “isms” (movements), especially I see it in Argentina, where they immediately try to put “ism” behind the name of the politician to define the current that defends its ideas. Absurd.
_AM: That is Partisan Autarky. The system is still feudal, and almost hierarchical, when the choice of a person is defined almost by the divine or spiritual hand. The hierarchy is not a pyramid system, it is a system based on the belief that whoever is chosen is almost divine. Democracy is a system based on the fact that the majority of the people take control, directly, in the selection of projects, without the need for a representative Senate or Parliament.
_I: That's why it has never worked... Because the “Senex Plutus” (rich old men) didn't want to lose control and stopped the plague of democracy in the Aegean islands as soon as possible...
_AM: That's right...
_I: And what is Ontocracy?
_AM: It is a democratic system based on two fundamental technologies: external and internal. Take biology as an example to follow and the concept of networks to resolve conflicts and finance solutions, without the need for central banks, parliaments, or representation. The solutions carried out are those that the greatest number of people choose and finance. But there is a detail, this system is based on the Power of Being, that is, on giving total responsibility to a complete, coherent individual.
_I: It would never work… Hehe.
_AM: Coherence is a constant search, just like balance. No system is perfect, and when you recognize this, you are free to search for solutions infinitely. Coherence makes you responsible that the results are directly proportional to your attitude towards the group. The same system drives you to be coherent between what you think, feel and do, without depending on what others believe. Today technology is used in this to measure surveys, change advertising methods and companies... But it is not yet applied to politics...
_I: Because they would lose power.
_AM: And what is external power if not the fear of recognizing that you do not have internal power? A person who seeks to control others is a person without inner power, poor in soul, lost in his lack of philosophy, hungry in the scarcity of personal resources.
_I: That is why in Atlantis they prepared our inner world so much to govern... That is why Egypt aligned us to be rulers and citizens, to be conscious spirits in matter and civilization...
_AM: Therefore it is Egypt that must set the tone, it is the Nile that will say how, that will remember the return of those chosen to govern the world, only those who find power in their being... In the I Am.
_I: What should politics be in the future?
_AM: Politics must forget about the polis, now we are a network. Politics is corrupted because its territories have expanded to aspects that it can no longer control. Politics represents everything bad about a society because it is the reflection of a popular consciousness. It is not politics that must be transformed, it is the people that give meaning to it. Politicians are human, the only answer to the politics of the future is Humanism. A politician in the future should be considered a Humanist, one who gives options and tools to humans, who provides freedom to choose solutions, not people. Politics represents the vision, the look towards the future and the reading of the past, it is the guide and reflection of the Correspondence of a people.
_I: “Every town has the Government it deserves.”
_AM: Do you know what a Government is?
_I: No… Not really…
_AM: Comes from the Greek word “Kybernaein”, and means “to direct a ship”. Pilot a Boat.
_I: The Flag Monument… The ship…
_AM: He who knows how to navigate the waters of the sea of the subconscious, the river of life, carrying the responsibility of the internal structures, driven by the winds and voices of the world, igniting the fire of his heart, is capable of governing himself. himself to the port of Consciousness, the New Lighthouse before the silver sands.
_I: Rule yourself… And you will rule the world…
_AM: Get on the boat, then, and look at the horizon within you. Recognize the humanist in you, and remember that politics is only the ship's compass, an indicator of the conscience of a people. If you free the mind of the people, if you free the soul of a people, and free their body from the oppression of their environment to break the chains of their own interior, you will hear the sacred cry of a conscious people who will build a conscious politics in a world that awakens your consciousness.
_I: Go from Ideology to Biology... Free ourselves from political preconceptions, understand that corruption is the distortion of our own culture and irresponsibility, of our inability to direct our lives, to navigate the sea of the subconscious and to let ourselves be carried away by the currents of the unconscious. We must not fight against political corruption in more partisan campaigns of ideologies that mobilize us in the names of theatrical characters, we must build beings that govern themselves, and that in networks build human consciousness from the biological and spiritual system.
_AM: Recognize. Close your eyes… Inhale… Hold… Exhale… Open your eyes… Look at the horizon. Are you ready to sail?