

_AM: What frustrates you? Do you achieve what you propose? Are you looking for perfection? You don't care if it goes wrong?

_I: Ugh… What a word! If there is something that is constant in my life it is frustration, but the fact that it is constantly intermittent is because I always find the quickest way out. I move very quickly, but I get frustrated in the same way...

_AM: Why do you think this happens?

_I: I don't know, I know that it is a very typical characteristic of Capricorn energies, and after the age of 30 you live longer by your ascendant than your sign, and mine is Capricorn. However, it has always happened to me, I don't know why, it's like a bad chemical reaction that uses up energy too quickly...

_AM: I'll tell you why. Your mind lives in the dream of the future.

_I: Yes… Always thinking ahead.

_AM: You make too many plans. It is not like this?

_I: Just yesterday I was talking about this with some people. Every time I make a plan, I need to have a well-put together plan B as if it were plan A. But, it is never just plan A and B... Sometimes there is more...

_AM: How many?

_I: Well… I'll just say that the way I'm doing the 2020-2021 YOSOY project is plan J.

_AM: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I… J.

_I: You have to be careful…

_AM: That much?

_I: My mind is constantly thinking about possibilities, as if they all existed at the same moment, I create and plan networks of possible results in my head, and although I don't share it with everyone, about every thing, relationship, idea , art, project, everything, in my mind, there are different options, of which I end up choosing two or three to manifest... And in the end one of them ends up coming out, but since the three seemed optimal to me, then I easily adapt to the change . That is to say, I am a born co-creator, I have the ability to manifest the things I set my mind to, and therefore by manifesting 3 of them, I know that whichever one comes out will be fine.

_AM: What if none of the 3 come out?

_I: This is how you get to plan J.

_AM: Hahaha, how funny. But the truth is that the Universe is like this, because from the beginning of all things, all possibilities coexist, and depending on the actions, decisions, emotions, thoughts, intentions, one or the other manifests. Or even start living them all the same…

_I: Parallel realities and universes.

_AM: But there is a big difference between how the Universe branches plans and you, as a human.

_I: Which one?

_AM: The limiting psyche. The Human generates potentialities and designs them as plans of possibilities. This occurs in the intelligent mind, that is, the one that reads between the lines, the one that interprets and imagines. Imagination is key in the creation process, and like the universal mind itself, the mind is limitless and infinite, unless you have a mind covered in hundreds of belief patterns. The broader, freer, infinite a mind is, the greater the number of potential possibilities there are. But then, that idea must be manifested, carried out, embodied in this reality, and this implies action, energy, will, strength, work, perseverance, experience, trial and error. Evolution itself, for example. There are religious traditions that believe that things, animals, plants and humans, were created by God with the snap of his fingers, molded from mud like a clay sculpture. However, you know it takes a little longer than that…

_I: There are many factors to take into account…

_AM: First the correct intention that gives rise to specific and harmonic vibrations, which allow the strings to resonate in symphonic tune. From there, the strings are twisted, creating vibrational tension, which discharges energy; The energy will vibrate faster and faster until creating a particle, which will begin to seek balance, balance in the discharge of polarities, creating atoms. The atoms must unite to save energy and exchange it, manifesting molecules, which will generate chemical elements, which will form chemical compounds, from which inorganic structures will emerge, which in their symbiotic interaction will give rise to organic structures, which will adapt to different environments in the environment. process that you call evolution, generating communities of cellular, viral and bacterial organisms, which in their interaction and exchange make up a body that encompasses different multicellular organisms called biological organs. And the interaction of cellular memory will create the neural network, which produces an intelligent network for recording and interpreting information, which allows the original mind to manifest in matter and act, live, feel... How long does this process take?

_I: Ugh… A lot… Trillions of years basically…

_AM: And you get frustrated when you don't get a drawing...

_I: Seen this way... Frustration has no logic... If the universal mind has taken eternity to design what we see today as a final product, in order to be able to live its thoughts, any thought that does not take effect within the expected deadlines according to my ego, it will no longer make sense. So why do we get so frustrated if we are a design that has waited millions of years to appear? Shouldn't we have the experience of patience?

_AM: Frustration comes from the same Latin etymology that gives rise to the word “Fraud”. Its origin is the Indo-European “dhwer”, which means Deception, that is, when you cannot obtain what you expected (de-ceptus / de-kept: out of what was captured, from what was kept). “Fraus” or “Frus” are the ways in which an error was recognized due to deception, something that I thought I could possess, keep in me, and that escapes or falls from my hands because I thought it would be different.

_I: So, if I understood correctly, deception is produced by the mind that considers itself unlimited and does not consider the times, rhythms, spatial and organic limitations of the body...

_AM: In Spanish, “deception” comes from “in gannire,” which means “sobbing howl from within.” It's like that silent moan that confuses, that makes us hear something that is not. The constant voice-over that narrates our lives and that sometimes decorates them with imagination. The same with the English concept “deception”, which refers, as mentioned previously, to those that were not obtained, kept inside, that is, something that I thought I had but in the end was not. The Universe is a born creator, an artist, willing to manifest everything, to gestate all kinds of thoughts. But, in his own design, he found tools that made ethereal eternity a limited concept called “time and space.” The greater the number of aspects, in the multiplication and doubling of time and space, the more rigid the option to modify them, and manifesting something takes more time and energy expenditure. This is how an atom moves like light, at high speed, while a galaxy takes millions of years to rotate on itself, even if its entire being is composed only of the same fast atoms and particles of light. The mind is like those particles of light: fast, with the ability to travel at high speed, coming and going thousands of times when a physical object is still trying to come out with its initial force. Now, from the point of view of that particle of light, everything is possible, and it sees everything that can happen. From the point of view of the object, it can only see one direction, and it is trying its best to reach that point. So what happens when the object can perceive what the light particles observe?

_I: You will see everything you are capable of, but it will seem that you are not moving, that you cannot reach it.

_AM: When a human being begins to become aware of his eternal and luminous being, he goes through the processes of frustration. And I am not referring to a conscious being as someone who is spiritual, but conscious that he is capable of doing much more than what the environment conditions him to do. The intelligent being connects with the light of consciousness, the great speed of imagination and dream, and sees all the plans, the designs of the existence of his being. He then projects expectations, and projects himself living those circumstances. But his body is still here, anchored to a space and time, living the processes slowly, organically... As the mind sees the result, it does not assimilate the process, and considers the error as a defeat.

_I: Wow... The slowness of the body and the biological processes are what give the sensation of inability to the unlimited mind... Thus the mind becomes frustrated, feels cheated, thinking: I can't, it's going wrong, it's probably not my thing... And abandon...

_AM: Frustration is the inability to be here and now, to recognize that the body has to go through error processes to improve the experience. There is no evolution without trial and error, without attempts. The deception that makes you perceive frustration is nothing more than your incessant search to fulfill a purpose without enjoying the journey.

_I: This is what I often say. This is why people cannot remember their past lives, or their future, why they cannot know their mission or purpose. Many say: maybe everything would be easier if we could remember our purpose, so we wouldn't waste time or suffer. But therein lies the big mistake, it is not about fulfilling the purpose, the Universe is not a company that seeks positive results in the year-end balance sheet.

_AM: That's right. The Universe is a being in development of itself, in self-knowledge, it does not seek to win, obtain, have, obtain, fulfill, arrive, finish... those are concepts of matter, of the limitation of your consciousness. The universe is unlimited, and therefore it does not seek for you to fulfill your mission or purpose, what it seeks is to develop on the path towards the purpose. Do you realize that the cosmos placed before you the idea of ​​fulfilling a purpose just to encourage you to follow the path?

_I: We live our lives believing that what we have to achieve is to reach the goal and fulfill the agreement, when the agreement and the goal were the first thing to be created only to encourage the being to make the journey towards the destination... No matter the destination, the path matters...

_AM: The important thing here is the process.

_I: There is something I don't understand... If the mind is the one that accelerates and sees all the options but at the same time it is the one that is aware of the purpose and only seeks to live the experience, then why is it the one that confuses the body? leading to frustration over your limitations?

_AM: What makes you think that it is the mind that does that?

_I: Well, you said it…

_AM: No, I said that it is what people perceive of the mind, because it moves very quickly. Let's put it another way: Are you frustrated that a bird can fly and you can't?

_I: Sometimes…

_AM: Is it the flying bird's fault that you feel frustrated?

_I: No…

_AM: Is it your fault that you can't fly?

_I: No…

_AM: Then why would it be the fault of the unlimited mind that you are limited? Why would it be your limited body's fault that you can't be unlimited?

_I: There is no guilt… There are only expectations…

_AM: Aha! There are only expectations. You lose more energy in the expectation of things than in the things themselves. You can't fly like a bird, but you can build a plane. With patience, study, intelligence, trial and error. Frustration is just a perception, a preconception of what is expected. Remember, there is nothing really to wait for... All the plans you build are not to be fulfilled, they are to discover the capabilities you have to make them possible.

_I: This takes away so much weight… So much so that you don't have an idea…

_AM: I get the idea, because I am the idea.

_I: hehehe… It's true.

_AM: Be free... Walk, and every time you get frustrated, remember: “the purpose was invented only so that you dare to walk.”



