_I: The more adult I became, I thought the more structures I would create in my mind, in my soul, in my life; conditioning me in my beliefs, in my feelings and in my actions. The typical thing to see how adults find their methodologies and stick to them. However, I get the feeling that it was the other way around. I grew up with many ideas and preconceptions, and I have fewer and fewer systems of my own. Today in the talk at 144 I said it and I realized it as I spoke: “I don't have a system, I have no idea what I will do, I learned to flow, and that's what I always do.”
_AM: You just have to recognize that flow does not become your system.
_I: What do you mean?
_AM: Because there are many ways to move through reality, and they are all through flow, because things happen, they flow between time and space. However, the way they do it can determine beauty or disaster. Well, an avalanche caused by the flow of a collapsed dam is not the same as a stream that feeds the forest in its path. It is necessary to flow within parameters that help maintain balance in your step. Flow comes from the Indo-European “Bhleu”, which means to pour out, overflow, let fall over. The force with which you flow can destroy everything in its path, spill over life, or nourish it.
_I: So it is not a simple matter of “letting it flow”, there is more behind it. Because I always hear, and maintain in many cases, the importance of letting yourself flow, of letting things happen...
_AM: Let's understand how this works. The Universe is like an Ocean, and it is full of currents. In the Earth's oceans there are several, such as the Antarctic Circumpolar, the Norwegian Current, the Gulf Stream, the Madagascar Current, the Australian Current... They are produced by the Coriolis effect, the centrifugal spin of the planet, and also, by the high or low pressures generated by the heat and cold of the atmosphere. Thus, hot water travels across the surface, descending like waterfalls into the abysses when it cools, creating rivers of fresh water that run through the ocean floors. This generates cold and warm currents, which flow through large bodies of water. As we said, the Universe is an ocean, and this implies that the positive and negative magnetic forces behave like the flows of warm and cold water, and each drop of water in these currents is a living being, transported between the positive paths. and negative. There are areas where these currents are neutral, and do not push the waters, nor animals and ships, like deserts in the middle of the water. There is neutrality there, but there is no movement. No problem. Therefore, sooner or later, everyone wants to get on the bandwagon.
_I: It reminds me of the Disney movie, “Finding Nemo,” when to travel to Sydney they have to get into the Australian current, and the sea turtles tell them: “spin and flow.” They explained to the little fish the importance of flow to find food, security, destiny, keep moving forward, a kind of highway that everyone gets on to go far with minimal effort.
_AM: This is where flow makes sense, and where at the same time, it confuses those who flow. Currents are energetic pathways to facilitate collective development. Remember that in the Ocean of Subconsciousness, the currents are the Unconscious. That is to say, if instead of using the current, you live in it because it is easier, you will never come out of Unconsciousness. Taking life as a simple constant act of flow, positions you in a place of irresponsibility, in which you do not make your own decisions, but rather they are in the hands of the environment, its speed, its movement and pressure on you.
_I: So taking Flow as a philosophy of life makes me unconscious. How do I use it to be Conscious?
_AM: You must remember that the ocean flow current of the universe is only a means of transportation, not a form of life. It helps beings to distribute themselves, but then each being must step out of the flow and take its own path. Animals use the current not to live but to get to or return to a place. Swimming through deserts where there are no currents, or traveling through spaces without momentum, is absurd, it is making a titanic and unnecessary effort, that is, those who fight in life to get what they want, to reach a specific place that is in their heads, and they go out of their way against the current to reach such a destination, the schematic and methodical people who do not allow themselves to flow, are wasting the flow of the currents that drive and move beings throughout the Cosmos.
_I: These are the people who must learn to flow, who are told: “calm down, let things flow, let them happen and let yourself be carried by the current until you find the right destination.”
_AM: That's right. And on the other hand, you find those who never stop saying: “flow, there is nothing else to do.” Well, this version of events goes against manifestation, your creative power, your consciousness to manifest your reality, to live your here and now, to express your dreams.
_I: That Piscean vision of letting everything pass, of flowing through life, of having no structure, then, makes people who enter the new spiritual currents confuse Flow with indifference, with letting go, and never being responsible, because , “the Universe will take care of it.”
_AM: And it is necessary that you know, recognize, that the universe is you, and you must take care of your part in it. Imagine that the cells decided to flow freely, freeing themselves from their tasks and leaving everything in the hands of the nervous system. Sooner or later the body would collapse and you would die. Therefore, it is necessary to recognize that there is a bloodstream, which like rivers, flows, distributing information, but in the same way that there are blocks of cells that store the transported information, forming organs that perform specific tasks. Without the cells, there is no blood flowing; Without blood flowing, there are no cells. The structures, the patterns, the norms, the routine, the schemes, are useful for the consequence, for the continuity of a being, for the manifestation of your dream.
_I: The problem would be clinging to the system, to the structure as the only way.
_AM: Exactly, and this is where the importance of Flow comes in. It is here where the being discovers the importance of letting go. The great mountains were cut and shaped by the constant flow. Water moves better than a group of stones between the rocks of a valley. The more firm and rigid you become, you will not get very far, you will never see the sea, but the more flexible, loose, free you feel, you will flow between the rocks as if they did not exist, flowing endlessly towards the ocean. Flow teaches us, reminds us, that it is important to be flexible to evolve, adapt, continue making the transformation. On a physical level, on an emotional level, on a mental level, being flexible, flowing, is the key to transcendence.
_I: Even so, living from flow prevents building, having foundations, sustaining a reality.
_AM: The orographic wonders, such as the great mountains, the beautiful valleys, the canyons with their different strata, are the product of the flow of water and wind molding the structures of space, of the earth and the fire of lava. You can see, then, that it is the flow that designs the most beautiful and amazing structures of the landscapes of a world. The pillars, the columns of the world, the realities that you observe, are nothing more than structures and patterns molded by the flow, accepting to be matter.
_I: So, the key to flow is to recognize that it is not a way of life, but a path towards its destinations, where I then have to build my reality.
_AM: You must be the conscious being that dares to immerse yourself in the currents of the unconscious ocean, driven by the collective, knowing how to swim, learning to get out of the current when it is fair and necessary, to be able to manifest yourself, and not live from the dream of the others, driven by their intentions. May flow not become the excuse for your irresponsibility, but rather the tool of your empowerment.
_I: Now I can say that I flow in the order necessary to my will.
_AM: The will to be guided and to guide. The flow is what tells you where, but what you do when you arrive will depend on you.
_I: I flow, because I am Here and Now.
_AM: Be like the river, and you will move mountains.