Falling in Love


_I: Today I went to the Pyramid with my full intention of working on the details of my Pancreas, since it is the physical aspect of the Solar Plexus, and instead of talking about insulin and food, thinking about what I should work on in relation to To my grandfather and his death from the pancreas, the word you told me was: Fall in love. Because?

_AM: As you already know, the Pancreas is the gland that generates the hormone insulin, which expands through the bloodstream in search of sugars, which it captures and metabolizes in order to be absorbed by the tissues and processed by the cells. This is how the body is nourished. Glucose, fructose, which in turn generate sucrose; They are all essential nutrients for the organism, since in their molecular division they deliver energy to the cell, which uses it to produce proteins and generate the basic reactions for life. For this reason, the Pancreas is known as the “organ of sweetness”, since in its incessant search for sugars, it causes the need to consume chocolates and all kinds of sweet things that make the cells feel complete. On a soul level, that is, on an energetic level, the same thing happens with relationships. The solar plexus seeks “sweetness” in the environment, because to give food to the cells, to the physical body, it needs that affection and love, which is essentially energy. This is why we tend to almost unconsciously relate the idea of ​​romanticism and falling in love with sweets and chocolates.

_I: So someone sick with the Pancreas is someone who does not know how to absorb that love, who does not produce insulin, or who has accumulated so much from not expressing love that their cells consume each other in the form of pancreatic cancer. Every disease of the Pancreas, therefore, is related to the assimilation of energy, either by the division of the macromolecules of sugars, all types of carbohydrates (carbons with hydrogen bases), or by the energy that is produced in falling in love. . Which leads me to think then… Is insulin the physical aspect of falling in love?

_AM: That's right. Let's get to the bottom of it all. “Love” comes from the Latin concept “Eternity”, that is, from the terms “a” (without) and “mors” (death). If we know anything today, it is that energy is eternal, since it never ends or dies, but is transformed. For this reason, it is said that God is Love, since the Universal Cosmos is Constant Energy in transformation. All atoms find stability in the exchange of energy; all molecules replicate due to this energy exchange; all cellular structures function due to this exchange of energies; The organs function by electrical pulses of energy discharge coming from the energy conduction of the central nervous system. All bodies seek the heat that produces energy as a form of biological stability. Therefore, physical bodies need to ingest calories, that is, high-energy materials such as carbohydrates, to deliver this vitality to the cells. Therefore, the concept of entering into a process of assimilation of eternal energy to nourish one's being can be understood as “en-” (enter), “-love-” (without death, eternity), “-ar-” ( action of), “-se” (neutral reflexive: for oneself). In English, the term “love” comes from the Indo-European “lubhyati”, which is related to libido, desire and pleasure, which are the aspects produced by the chemical reaction of the assimilation of sucrose in the cells, generating electrical discharges. Thus, “to fall in love” is the concept of falling into the process that causes pleasure inside. With the development of the human intellect, and the creation of cultures, these basic needs to nourish the physical being with eternal energy were romanticized, turning it into the current concepts that indicate that falling in love implies feeling love for another person. The concept arises because when faced with the other, the body reacts with desire, seeking pleasure in affection, in touch, nourishing itself with the eternal energy that allows subsistence and moving forward, activating life.

_I: So falling in love has nothing to do with the soul but with biology?

_AM: Did you not understand everything we talked about? The Soul is that energy. The soul is not separate from the body, they are not distinct or separate processes. Emotional and physical processes are intertwined. The physical inevitably depends on the energetic emotional to live, when the energetic does not depend on the physical, and for this reason we maintain that the soul is free from the body, is eternal and transforms into many forms. However, it is the soul that makes the body exist by energy, and the body thus becomes a decoder of the soul's emotion. That is why the explanation of all emotions is based on the things that our body feels. Understanding the function of the material, organic, does not kill the idea of ​​an extrasensory soul, but rather reaffirms its presence and active manifestation in your reality.

_I: I understand. Clear. What happens is that for a long time they have made us think that they are different things, or that everything beautiful and emotional, like love, has nothing to do with the body, but with the soul, and is much broader and spiritual. than a simple cellular reaction.

_AM: This way of seeing things emerged during the last 2000 years, becoming established during the Middle Ages, when the body was religiously considered the prison of the Soul, and that we had to free it from the carnal to return to the kingdom of Heaven. This adorned the concepts of both religious and non-religious spirituality, as well as the concepts of the “New Age” which, despite speaking of a new time, are nothing more than a projection of celestial Christianity. The truth is that there is nothing in Heaven. At the end of the Atmosphere, there is the framework of space-time, gravity, the strings of the quantum world, other celestial bodies, galaxies, and worlds better or much worse than this one. Leaving the body towards the heavens does not bring us closer to the divine response, but rather going towards the deepest part of the being, towards the interior, where we realize that the body that composes us is a wonder expressed from the soul. Perhaps I would say that the Soul is the prison of the Body, which conditions its existence and way of perceiving, and not the other way around. This is why by aligning the energy, we free the body, and from the body, we can speak with the spirit and the soul, manifesting realities.

_I: And falling in love is the way to do it.

_AM: The spirit seeks to experience everything it can in the life it has created. Falling in love is that insulin that drives the being to search in life, to do the unthinkable, to leave the comfort zone, to expand and dare. Falling in love transforms, it makes the individual advance on the path of life. The insulin of falling in love seeks to trap carbohydrates, the sugars that you call Love, in the blood flow of life. It uses love to generate energy in the body and create, expand cells, produce. And this is why the body feels the need to reproduce. The spirit, seeking to be born, begins the search for that energy in which it will find the nutrients to live. The sugars in the sperm nourish the egg, the mother cell, so that multiplication can occur. Thus, out of love, he finds the other person who will give him the perfect genetic material for the production of a new being where the spirit will manifest. The Love that is felt is optional.

_I: What do you mean?

_AM: Falling in love is not the same as loving. Falling in love is part of a process that seeks a goal: to obtain energy, whether to reproduce in another life or produce a project or action. Once that circuit is completed, one stops being in love, because the search is over. But you can continue creating projects, which maintains the love. When a couple stops looking for new projects that nourish energy, falling in love ceases to exist. And there I have two paths: either separate to find a new focus of energy, or live in unconditional love. The most normal thing is separation, because life needs to continue moving forward. Culturally this has long been frowned upon, even as a failure in love. But from a biological point of view, it is not a failure. “If the tree from which I get apples no longer produces apples, then I must look for another tree so as not to die of hunger.”

_I: It's a very frivolous way of looking at love...

_AM: But practical. That's why you have the other way... Unconditional Love. Don't judge one if you have the other. They are different mechanisms. Unconditional Love recognizes that love is eternal, and whether or not I am with that person as a complement, it will give to me in the same way because I continue to give to it. Simply by recognizing that the other is oneself. Thus, I do not take it as someone to draw energy from, but as part of the forest of which I am a part. Thus, one opens to the world from unconditionality. The condition is always to wait for the tree to give you apples, to wait for it to give you energy, to nourish you with what you hope to receive. So, you set a condition. However, in unconditionality, you enjoy and honor the shadow of the tree, without judging the fact that it does not give you apples, you simply understand that its capabilities and attributes are now different.

_I: So falling in love is the search for energy, it is the process of development, it is the moment in which insulin moves looking for the sugars in life.

_AM: And all this awakens when you leave the idyllic and the imaginary to go to the concrete, looking for a focus where you can find the energy that drives you forward.

_I: What you told me today… The first time you fell in love.

_AM: The first impulse that made you take the focus off your idols to have a “special person” who represents everything you feel and desire. It usually happens during puberty, before you become a teenager, around the last years of the second seven years, between 12 and 14 years old. Although in some it can happen sooner too. Especially in women, who develop and evolve faster than men.

_I: I remember that my first strong crush was on my best friend. We were 10 or 11 years old. But the whole environment didn't show me that it was possible for two men to fall in love, and I always thought that would be impossible. At the age of 12, when I began to remember my past lives, the first thing I saw was Sobek, my “husband” in the Atlantean period of the Nile, 12,000 years ago. When I saw him, I remembered again the Love I felt for him, and I felt it again. I knew he was alive at this time, because I could dream about him, I knew he was born in Italy, which led me to study Italian to be able to understand him, I started searching. I mean, he was in love. When I found him in 2012, it was hard for me, because he didn't remember, and I never told him anything about my memories so as not to condition him. But he felt there was something, he could sense it. I was in love with his soul until, having reconciled our souls in a new Time, we became friends, and that infatuation became Love, it was transfigured into the unconditional, free of all expectations. But today I understood something very strong and important.

_AM: Tell me.

_I: Since I remembered him, my love and infatuation with him was idyllic. It was magical, it awakened an illusion that kept me 100% in love. I could never feel the same way about anyone else. In fact, I have honestly told some of my partners that deep down I was in love with the person I had always loved, which never allowed me to love anyone else 100%. For years I believed that this was something terrible, because I felt trapped by an uncontrollable emotion, in love with someone who had died 12,000 years ago, and who today was nothing more than an idea, a dream. When I found him I knew that I couldn't live the same life, and I had to work through the pain of letting go of the story. But always, with each person I fell in love with again, I built a kind of illusion around them. So much so that it surpassed reality, making me suffer more. My friends told me that I tend to fall more in love with the illusion than with the person. And today I understood why. My first two loves, the first ones that awakened love in my life, were impossible. My body saw that in the first there was no possibility, at least in that context, and the second, in my memories, showed me that I was in love with an imaginary idea that could no longer be real, ever. Still I couldn't close myself to feeling it. It was the excitement that kept me in love all my life, creating, traveling, moving forward, doing everything I did. I did a lot for him, for his words in front of the sphinx: “No matter how much time passes or what bodies we have, I will always be there to accompany you.” I projected this same illusion on others, and my infatuation led me to do things unthinkable at my young age. I realized that the illusion, instead of limiting me, had expanded me, that being in love with something impossible had led me to do the impossible. All my relationships failed because I was focusing my love on the limitation of a single being, when I loved in another dimension. Understanding this, I felt a great liberation from the concept of illusion.

_AM: Well now you have given meaning and purpose to your way of loving. The first loves of life, in puberty and adolescence, have defined our way of relating, loving, falling in love, moving forward and feeling. But also, those who have had traumatic memories of abuse, manipulation, of a family member who says the phrase “I do this because I love you”, “you are mine”, are all the approaches that someone can have to what it means to seek energy. , which builds the idea of ​​what love is. For this reason, today's task is to ask ourselves: “What were my first experiences of falling in love, of love in my life, and how have they defined the way in which I fall in love and love today?

_I: Intense question. On our spiritual paths we usually talk a lot about love, but we all have a distorted vision of what it means, and we tend to project into the idea of ​​love what we flee from or what we desire. But not what it really is.

_AM: Love is the eternal energy that every being needs to develop. It is your context that has shaped you to process that energy in one way or another. Thus, by recognizing the method you have taken in your life, you will be able to identify where you are looking for love.

_I: I allow myself to fall in love by recognizing where I have fallen in love from. I recognize what love means to me based on what I experienced in my childhood and adolescence.

_AM: Until you can be free and fall in love with yourself and eternity.



