_I: Speaking of Expressiveness, it reminds me of what happens with a channeling. When I channel, the sensation I feel is as if something deep inside me wants to come out, and I can't control it; as if every cell in my body said: “I need to live this.” And there it happens. An internal force, which is me but at the same time is not part of my personality, takes control of my body, being something that I am not, and yet it feels like its own. What I mean by this is that sometimes channeling feels like a play, like the actor who finds himself possessed by the spirit of the character, and that makes him interpret it with greater affinity and assertiveness. Create a bond with the character, integrating it as his own life, part of his being. That is expressing... Channeling is a form of expressiveness...
_AM: In the first human cultures, there were stories, legends, that spoke of bird men, werewolves, and tree men, and many men who turned into animals or vegetables, or minerals. This is because the first shamans learned and awakened their inner wisdom when they allowed themselves to be the object of study. To find power, they acted like a lion or tiger, to learn balance, they acted like a heron, to learn patience, they acted like a tree. Acting, the attribute of moving like something else, allowed the cells, the mind, to see themselves reflected in it, and not only act like it, but take on its characteristics. For this reason, they dressed in the colors of these creatures, or dressed in their skins or feathers, performing dances in which they imitated their sounds or movements. The theatricalization of an object or subject allows the expression of its potential within oneself.
_I: That's something I heard people talk about from NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), who claim to be able to awaken attributes in others or correct conflicts just by modifying physical attitudes. For example, regaining courage and security by walking more upright, or demonstrating confidence by stopping crossing your arms in a conversation.
_AM: That's right, the body is a network of data that reacts based on previous experiences, and acts based on the expectations of experiencing the same outcome. But if one consciously modifies the action from the physical in a situation in which one would normally act differently, then the brain has no choice but to reconfigure that data, and thus, change the attitude, which would generate a basic transformation, which would give you a new attribute.
_I: Wow… I find it fascinating.
_AM: It is. It's Reprogramming. Channeling is another type of Reprogramming, in which you allow data from the external network to prompt you to act in a way that opens your spectrum of information, and there you gain attributes that you would never have been able to have otherwise.
_I: But this can make us look crazy…
_AM: What is madness?
_I: Well… It's not having control over yourself. It is losing control of the mental, emotional, and physical plane. How do I know how far I am expressing and channeling, and when it is actually a delusion, or personality disorder syndrome, bipolarity or schizophrenia?
_AM: Let's see, then. What imposes sanity on a human being is cultural education. If in your city in Argentina, in the middle of the street, busy with people, or in a shopping center, you put down a rug and start bowing as if in worship, talking to yourself, bowing down and resting your head on the ground with your palms facing the sky What do you think they would say?
_I: I'm crazy.
_AM: And yet, that in Egypt is normal 5 times a day, starting at 4 am and ending the last one at 7 pm. If someone, a man for example, starts dancing ballet in the middle of the street in Cairo, what will they think?
_I: That man is crazy.
_AM: Which wouldn't happen if you did it on a street in Germany, where they would see it as art. First of all, then, you must understand that madness is subjective to culture. What makes us seem sane is simply a perspective of tradition and custom, of an education linked to a specific group. Secondly, any expression outside that culture will be seen as madness, or in a special case, as genius, if the environment recognizes the originality of the action. When a musician is inspired, he is channeling, when a craftsman sculpts, he is channeling, when a poet writes, he is channeling. Inspiration based on the originality of an individual is a channeling, coming from Channel, that is, being a means by which something intangible becomes tangible. The word comes from the Greek “kanon”, meaning rod or ruler to measure things, and from there pipe or reed, tubes through which things are measured or passed. The artistic canon is a term used to demonstrate the rules of a specific art, but they are all based on the inspiration of passing something from one place to another, from idea to manifestation. In short: Channeling is acting on the idea that is within. And now let's add to this what happens when a person recognizes themselves as multidimensional, knowing that nothing is separate...
_I: That inside you speak of is inside all dimensions... And therefore, it will be able to channel itself from different realities.
_AM: Depending on the resonance in which it is found, whatever that channel is willing to transfer will pass, whether it is pure water or the sewers. When a person vibrates low, the cloacas hinder the quantum channels of the being, a kind of bad cholesterol at an etheric level that conditions the energy flow of the body, obstructing the channels. This leads to information not circulating naturally, causing perception disorders, which lead to neuronal malfunction, which ends up leading to bipolarity and schizophrenia, like many others. The only thing that differentiates a mental illness from an artistic or informative channeling is the vibrational state of the person, which makes these channels pure or impure, which we would translate into “emotional state.” Poor emotion management is what leads a person without management of their consciousness to be a victim of their unconsciousness.
_I: What would correct emotional management look like?
_AM: Recognize that every emotion is my own, and that no one from outside can determine my emotion, only I am the one who allows things to affect me. Poor emotional management is someone who does not recognize the different social agents, individuals that surround them, and mixes their internal world with the external world, forgetting the free will of others, involving others in their stories in an invasive and controlling way, and above all everything, harming oneself, even harming others.
_I: I see.
_AM: It is because of this vision that we have about “crazy people”, that people are afraid to express themselves, to show themselves, to channel, believing that by doing so, they would lose control of things, when it is not the expression that is the problem, but the poor management of the emotions with which it is expressed. The constant repression after years of cultural imposition means that many emotions have stagnated, such as shame, anger, resentment, lust, and several others, which at the moment of expressing inner potential, seek an escape, decorating, staining, smearing that internal power of these dirty emotions that, because they have not been drained wisely over the years, emerge together in a violent and chaotic way.
_I: How to express with wisdom?
_AM: Through Experimentation, obviously. The second of the pillars or foundations of universal existence is the ability to try, to play with reality, to allow oneself to feel everything, to experience everything, without repressing anything. Experiment comes from the words “Ex” (from one place to another), “periri” (try, try, try) and “mento” (tool, means). Experimentation is the action of trying something out of the ordinary.
_I: We usually relate experimentation with the scientific experiment.
_AM: Empiricism. In the 16th to 17th centuries, philosophers began to turn to sciences, such as mathematics, geometry, physics and astronomy, which generated a scientific revolution in human life that we call “rationalism”, by which all things must be be based on merely rational and tangible aspects. This marks a break between the substances soul and body, in which, until then, the spiritual world had guided realities. At that time, René Descartes said his phrase “I think, therefore I am”, assuming that thought is the basis of all existence. And what exists can only be perceived by the mind through experimentation. This made him the father of the “Scientific Method”, which marks a before and after of the sciences, which begin to be based on experimentation as the only way to obtain correct, credible, reasonable results. Faith is no longer enough, because believing is not a certainty, because in faith there is no empiricism. Therefore, all knowledge can only come from empirical experience, a redundancy if you like, since both come from the word “periri” in Latin or “peiran” in Greek (empirical = testing something; experiment = means by which which something is proven). It can be internal or external experimentation, but for there to be knowledge or wisdom, it must have been tested.
_I: Well, it is clear that someone wise can only be wise if they are an example through their experience.
_AM: And this is where the idea of being experienced comes from, having experience in something gives us the endorsement, the justification and guarantee of being able to do what we do. Now, to have experience, you have to live the experience. And in most cases, experimenting involves leaving your comfort zone, entering unknown terrain, with unexpected results. This produces insecurity in most cultural beings, clinging to a way of seeing things. He who does not travel, who does not eat other things, who does not talk to strangers, who does not open himself to knowing another culture, who does not read a book or watch a movie, deprives himself of experience who expects things to be happen instead of moving to make them happen. The fear of losing, of ridicule, of judgment, of not knowing, of being rejected, blocks the majority from carrying out their experimentation process, and therefore, restricting their path to wisdom. The stage of youth, from puberty to the end of adolescence, is the most important period for the development of experimentation.
_I: And we are blocked by putting ourselves in a school where instead of experimenting, all we do is devour books and content that we cannot try.
_AM: The scientific method consumed itself through the educational enlightenment of the 18th century, in which more options for experimental development were given, and at the same time, the ability of children to live those experiments was blocked by filling them with results from those who They had the opportunity to experiment. This only generates knowledge, data, but not education and much less wisdom. Experimentation is not about sharing results, but about enabling empiricism.
_I: It seems strange to me that a spirit tells me that the spiritual key is the scientific experiment.
_AM: Because it is the only way that someone in the Third Dimension can relate to the world of Ideas, and it is the only way that the spirit can enjoy its own creation.
_I: But, you have told me about science... How is experimentation practiced in normal life?
_AM: The word Science comes from the Indo-European “skei” which means to cut, crack something. Break it into fragments. From there arises the verb “scire”, which means “to know”, that is, to have knowledge of the parts.” The word “sciente” joins “scire” and “ent” (entity, subject), that is, the subject or the entity that thinks about the parts. It is interesting and funny that the word schizophrenia has the same origin as science (schizophrenia = “scire” /skhire/: tear, split, and “frén”, being entrails, interior, soul, that is: that which tears and divides the soul. ). Science refers, therefore, to that which disseminates, dissects things in order to know the parts that make them up. You have in your mind an idea of science as an untouchable institution, far from the common human being, when in reality, science is the art of understanding the parts of things, and experimenting with them.
_I: So we could understand that in our natural, human and everyday life, we have the opportunity to carry out our own scientific experiments.
_AM: And it's very easy, all you have to do is start doing an activity that you've never done before.
_I: Like what?
_AM: Try things you don't know. If you have never painted, then paint. If you've never played a musical instrument, then play one. If you've never cooked, cook. If you've never done math, do math. If you've never played a game, play it. IF you've never seen a series, watch one. If you've never cleaned a house, clean it. If you've never read a book, read it. If you've never gardened, fix the garden. Experimentation does not have to be in a laboratory, scientific experiments do not have to be approved by an international entity, experimentation is the action of testing ourselves in things that take us out of everyday life, routine, comfort, and that they give us something new, new information, that awakens wisdom in us.
_I: I can see where today's proposal is going...
_AM: I imagine. Today, in relation to the heart, you will set the intention to do something you have never done, to carry out some activity, no matter how minimal, in a space different from the one you are used to, but that will give you something totally new and diverse. Doing something new, different, unique, no matter how simple it is, is no less important. He who closes himself to experimentation is a being stagnant in unconsciousness, denied the evolution of his being and his species. Each new action will awaken an impulse that will awaken a new emotion, and that emotion will be the key to your wisdom. For it is emotion that records experience, and it is the same emotion that allows you to become master of those who seek.
_I: This is how I design my emotion, experimenting to obtain wisdom, and share it with the world.
_AM: Live empiricism, thought sets the intention of what you are, and what you are will be understood by thought, all through experience in action.
_I: Trial and error… It's the real way to learn.
_AM: In rational empiricism there is no sin, there is no trial of error, but rather the path to evolution after trial and error. So, this is my advice for whatever you decide to undertake as an experience today: don't be afraid to make mistakes. Mistakes are the key to learning.
_I: Let the magic be done.
_AM: Essence of praxis.