Everything and Nothing
_I: If the concept of Meaning and Nonsense leaves me with anything, it is that everything is based on the concept of Nothingness. It seems that the Void is the recurring response to all things. When we begin the spiritual path, we never really expect that at the end of the path we will find such a stark truth. Sometimes, we attribute this nonsense to agnostics, atheists, nihilists. My grandfather was a nihilist, a relentless seeker of knowledge, but whose view of life was simply a moment of meaningless organic development that would soon end, and then, eternal emptiness, darkness, nothingness itself, and the worms would take it. they would eat When I heard this, there was something deep inside me that told me that this was impossible. Furthermore, I could see my guides, beings from other dimensions, who gave meaning to after death. I could remember my past lives, have visions of the future, all of this made me see that I was not alone in the immensity, that in reality it is a complete Whole, of millions of things, life could not end in total meaninglessness, in nothingness. same. Is nothing worth it then? And throughout my life, discovering more and more meaning, finding greater answers and visions, suddenly, I came to the last and most determining part of my memories: the Void. I remembered my grandfather's words... I remembered his way of seeing the world from meaninglessness. I was able to understand that he from science and reading, and I from spirituality and memory, had reached the same conclusion. However, there was a difference…
_AM: I was missing from the equation.
_I: Exactly. My grandfather's vision was personalistic, based on ego, on separation. As if each individual fell into the void, into meaninglessness. As if the Void were something separate from me, where our existence culminated, and there was nothing else to do, since we were relegated to this emptiness.
_AM: But it's not like that. Then, you realized what it meant…
_I: The void was not something or a place where my existence ended... I was the Void... I Am the Void. That changes everything, knowing that emptiness is not something that surrounds me, but something that makes me be. That allows me to exist. Why, then, would the Void, the Nothing, allow the All?
_AM: The word Everything comes from the Indo-European “Teuta”, which refers to a group of people, a tribe. In English, “All” also comes from the Indo-European “hël”, meaning “complete”, or the common “Everything”, arising from the terms “every” and “thing”. And the word “Nothing” incredibly arises from the Latin word “Nacer”, something that is “born”, “natality”.
_I: So, the origin of the word that we consider empty and without anything, actually speaks of the birth of all things...
_AM: That's right. Nothing is the birth of Everything. The parts, the tribes, the sets, the groups, the objects and individuals are counted by the Whole, ordered, as sons and daughters of different ages, all born from the same womb, from the same origin, from the womb of the Divine Matrix, the Empty. Empty comes from the verb “vacare”, giving rise to the word “vacancy”. That is, a free, unoccupied site that must be completed. All concepts related to emptiness do not speak of the force opposite to the Whole, but of the force that allows the Whole to exist.
_I: That is why when on the path of spirituality we know the All, the path of consciousness of being takes us to the origin, where we find Nothing, the void, the mother. That is, throughout our search we see the parts, we see the Whole in the image of the heavenly Father, the creator, the one who disseminates, the one who labels, orders, levels, guides, the one who groups, unites, puts together, who It reminds us that we are part of a Whole in Unity. And we tour the wonders of his creation, in the different worlds of this dimension, on Earth, and then in the wonders of multidimensionality. We discover that the Whole is visible and invisible, that it is eternal and ethereal, we recognize the connection between all the parts like a gigantic puzzle, like the Truth that we had sought so much. And when we contemplate the complete image, we realize that in reality, all of this did not arise just because, everything must have an origin, a point in common, each part and the network itself, must have arisen from the same place. The spiritual path deepens to such a point that the images of the great puzzle cease to make sense, and the idea of humans as a simple accumulation of atoms and vibrations disappears. The teachers, the guides, the angels disappear. The idea of duality disappears, everything collapses on itself, realizing that nothing that made sense before really makes sense now. And there you discover that all the parts of the puzzle were simple projections of an idea, and that idea leads to the I Am. And when you connect to the I Am, you discover the origin of everything, in the Void, in Nothingness.
_AM: And that is when you realize that the creator, the creator, had always been the same being: you, I, we, you, they, he, she... Nothingness. The Birth of all things. Nothing and Everything, therefore, are not opposites, they are Mother and Children. The Everything is the heavens and thousands of children born from Nothing, it is the Am expressed in millions of I. And all those I's look for a way to express themselves, to build themselves, generating more separation, more things, more wonders; generating each tiny part that makes up the Whole, what marvels us, what all our senses can perceive in all dimensions. On their paths, the I, the Ego, will discover their potential until they find the most beautiful truth of all: that they were not alone on the path, that everything is connected, that everything is one, everything is a network, millions of parts in Unity. constituting the Mind of the Whole, the Creator himself. They discover that there is no God above or below, because everyone is a cell of God, everyone is God, and their actions, emotions and thoughts shape God in the same way that our cells shape our Being. Thus, poetry is drawn of creation, giving meaning to everything that did not have it before, to the logic between the parts. And that truth is eclipsed in an instant by the absolute truth: meaning was created by the mind of the great being, and therefore the manifestation, the experimentation, had no meaning until integration gave it one. He discovers, then, that nothing ever had meaning, that the mind was the only one capable of giving it one, and thus he sets out to understand meaninglessness, and discovers that all things arose, were born, from the same origin, from a space that needed be filled with experiences, with a meaningless void. And it will not be until the moment in which he recognizes himself as that Void, as that Mother giving Birth, that he becomes aware that the Everything was created by himself, that meaning was proposed by himself. The discovery that the origin and meaning of things, of the Whole, is the deepest Nothing since meaninglessness, is not the key to falling into the depression of the death of the being, of “what for?” eternal and self-pitying, but quite the opposite. It is the key that reminds you that all this has been possible because you have allowed yourself to be born from nothing, that you have given it meaning. Why do you wait for the meaning and existing unity of everything to be determined by someone external, a God you cannot understand, when you have in your hands the ability to say: I am that God who has created everything and given meaning to existence?
_I: We return to the same thing… Irresponsibility. It's easier to say that someone else did it, so it's the other person's fault.
_AM: The universe is like you, and each being that makes it up, each star, planet, species, individual, is like a different type of cells that make you up. The paradox lies in the following: “Who is to blame for the conflicts and meaning of your life: you, who with your decisions determine the destiny of the cells, or your cells, which in the DNA have determined your existence?”
_I: Sure... It's an enormous paradox, because it means that what I do to my body has an impact on every cell, but at the same time, it is the cells that built me as I am, that is, it is reciprocal, it is the individuals who that generate the Whole, it is the parts that give meaning to the Universe!
_AM: “Voilà!” Each individual, in the replication of his DNA, his experience and perception of life, multiplies the Whole, magnifies it, gives it meaning and purpose, not the other way around. It is not God who gives meaning to the All, it is the All who gives meaning to God. And the only way to make sense of it is by eliminating all preconceptions, being born again... Born, from Nothing.
_I: That's why you take me there again and again, into the void, so I can re-emerge... So I can be the creator of my own Universe.
_AM: And that's how you finally understand what you know.
_I: I am the Nothing that generates the Everything, I am the Everything giving meaning to the Nothing.
_AM: Welcome to the true Sense of Creation.