

_I: “Aba, eyeh ben shelekh…” It resonated in the pyramid today.

_AM: “Father, I am your son…”

_I: …Why did those words come out of me in Hebrew?

_AM: As a reminder.

_I: About what?

_AM: From the moment of the Sacrifice.

_I: Are you talking about the story of Yeshua of Nazareth?

_AM: Your story was a milestone that consciously began the Age of Pisces. Although the Piscean time of humanity had begun a few centuries earlier, the complete entry and consolidation of the era was not noted until he said these words.

_I: Why is he so important and always comes up in conversations? Why not others, such as from the Hindu, or African or American tradition...

_AM: Simply because no one other than him was able to reach every corner of the world with his message. This has meant that in the collective subconscious, unconscious and conscious, his name, his presence, has marked the worldview of the Piscean Age. His truth moved thousands of people in the Middle East, and different traditions adopted and adapted his words according to their own beliefs. Let us not judge his words through the distorted voices of the Bible, nor of traditions, Gospels, or different Christian currents. He was a man without religion from whom religions arose. A politician turned into a saint, a liberal transformed into the savior. Hence his name, “Yeshua,” which in Hebrew means “Salvation,” and his adjective: Savior, translates as “Meshiya” (Messiah).

_I: Name that in Spanish and English ended up being Jesus.

_AM: Jesus, the Chosen One, from the Greek “Christos” (Christ).

_I: The one who was Chosen as Savior, that is: Yeshuah Jeristos… Jesus Christ.

_AM: He was elected by the people. The Hebrews waited for a long time for the arrival of the Messiah, someone who would save the Jews, who would free them from the oppression of other peoples. They considered themselves the Chosen people, children of God. And one day, He would send His Son to save her family from the evils of the world. When this child was born, some considered him this savior. Some relatives, from the Essene tradition, introduced him to their philosophy of life, anointing him with oils and giving him sacred baths, a tradition that alleged that God communicated through water, and whoever bathed every day would be in direct contact with His Truth. This young man learned the ancestral Sinaitic traditions, and attended the Egyptian mystery schools along the Nile. He recognized the power of what it means to Be, and saw himself as part of the whole, a child of Divinity. When he recognized himself as the Son of God, Part of the Whole, Fractal of the Universe (different ways of talking about the same thing), he returned to his land to share what he had acquired, and reclaim the Truth, freeing the Promised Land from the oppressors.

_I: “Give to God what is God's, and to Caesar what is Caesar's,” a phrase that determined the policy of his word in the face of the Roman occupation of Judea.

_AM: His speeches mobilized several Jews who saw him as the Messiah, and they followed him, although the majority of Jews were reluctant to accept his presence, considering him a heretic, who only spoke blasphemies when proclaiming himself the Son of God. For this reason, the Pharisees, Jewish priests, handed him over to the Roman regent of Judea, so that he could be judged. His confrontation with the Empire with simple words and without aggression generated a regional mobilization that revolutionized the way of seeing the world. A movement that initially intended nothing more than to claim a small piece of land on the inert coasts of the eastern Mediterranean, began to expand throughout Asia Minor, even reaching the Italian peninsula, and from there to the entire Roman Empire, and little by little. little, further, to the entire world after European colonization.

_I: It was almost unintentionally…

_AM: It wasn't in the plans. She was a local politician. But her message was too strong. And each one took him according to his culture, and used him according to his interests. His 12 disciples told the story according to his point of view. They were “Messengers of the Good News”, messengers of a new truth, a happy message, something that in Greek is said “Eu-” (new) and “Anghelion” (of the messengers).

_I: Gospel. A new message.

_AM: The main message was that the Savior they had waited for for millennia had arrived, and a large group of Jews turned to messianic Christianity. The idea was that the messiah would save them from the sins of the world (from the Latin “error”: pecata), and from darkness. But because he was denied, mistreated, misunderstood; he was dragged to trial, and condemned. “Lemeh, Aba…? Eyeh ben shelekh.” (Why, Father…? I am your son).

_I: I doubt. I mean... Why would she suffer if she had come to save them all?

_AM: Until he understood it. "Sacrifice".

_I: Why sacrifice yourself?

_AM: Out of empathy.

_I: How do you understand it?

_AM: Empathy is the key to the age of Pisces. But we have only seen its darkness, which is why it is an era of so much pain, because we had to learn to be empathetic through sacrifice. Pay a lot of attention. Empathy comes from the Greek “Em-” (inside), a linguistic deformation of “In”, and “Pathós” (pain). Empathy is being in the pain of another, feeling what the other feels. In the moment of greatest suffering (sub-ferrum, from the Latin “under the iron”, feeling the weight of the world), I can understand the pains of others on all levels. Becoming an empath involves living what others have experienced, knowing the hardships, knowing the pain, the anguish, understanding the world in which they move, the physical, emotional and mental suffering. Empathy is the ability to relate fully to others, feeling everything that others feel. “Put yourself in the other person's shoes.” It is difficult perhaps when it is done conceptually. You, for example, would never understand the pain of war because you never experienced it in this life, you would not understand the pains of childbirth because you have not given birth in this life. Many pains and sufferings in the world are incomprehensible to others, and an enormous degree of sensitivity is required to understand, to be, the other. Then, you discover a way to do it: by offering.

_I: Offering to feel the pain… That?

_AM: Yes, giving your body, soul and spirit to suffering, containing the pain of others, receiving it to know why the world suffers, to put yourself in the place of each human being, in the role of the victim, of whom feel abandoned, betrayed, mutilated, judged, rejected, beaten, mocked, minimized... And when you do it, you are putting your entire being at the service of expansion. Divine service does not lie in saving the other, but in putting oneself in their place and accompanying them in the process of their pain as an equal. In ancient times, this concept was called “Sak”, which referred to a priest who took the role of the Divine so that the gods could communicate with humans.

_I: Something that today we would say “channel.”

_AM: Yes. At that time it was said “saktum”, which gave rise to the word “sanctus”, and from there “holy” or “sacred”. Performing the action of channeling divinity was translated as Doing Sacred Things: “Sacri Facere”, which gave rise to the word “Sacrifice”.

_I: “The Office of the Sacred.” Why does this word have such a negative connotation? Sacrificing yourself in life is like letting yourself die for others.

_AM: Because we know sacrifice from Judeo-Christian concepts, based on the sacrifice of Yeshua. Normally, in ancient cultures, the sacrifice was not human, but animal. In ceremonies, an animal was sacrificed to make sacred offerings and rituals, and sacrificing was not synonymous with killing, but with doing sacred things, for the gods. When the Jews saw that, even having been able to deny the accusations, Jesus decided to receive judgment and be punished for his alleged blasphemies, it was understood that he became the first Sacrificed Human, for the truth of others. For the mistakes of others... For sin.

_I: That's why they say “Jesus sacrificed himself for us on the Cross.”

_AM: It is the greatest recorded historical act of putting your body, soul and spirit in empathy with the suffering of the world's subjugated. This empathetic act made everyone recognize him as the Savior, who began the age of Pisces whose main characteristic is putting his life at the service of others.

_I: But… Is that so?

_AM: Nothing is a duty. Everything is a service. It's very different. Empathy is the historical capacity to suffer what the other suffers in order to share the burden. For this reason, Christians say that they help Christ carry the Cross, to free him from the weight that he chose. It was his choice. His milestone marked the beginning of the stories that the world knows today, and that began this time of suffering, of empathic practice. But empathy doesn't have to bear the pain. Today we can understand empathy as the loving accompaniment of all processes, such as understanding what others experience and helping them cope with their own crosses. Pisces is the last of the 12 signs, which makes it the one who lived all the previous ones, who walked the path of his brothers, and who can feel what everyone feels, put himself in the place of others, be an arch soul. iris. Pisces integrates the 12 Rays of the Seventh Dimension, Enlightenment, transcendence of all the pressures and forms of the Sixth Dimension, to be free in the creation of new realities in the Eighth Dimension. Empathy, then, is the key for the being to radiate in all directions, without reference to an ego, but in the total integration of a being and all the faces of it.

_I: The presence of Jesus the Christ as the porter of Pisces, as the one who empathetically sacrifices himself for the errors of humanity, then, reminds us that it is time to resume empathy, but at another level of consciousness, in which suffering is not necessary to commit the sacrifice...

_AM: The new sacrifice, the new gospel, the new love and service, is recognizing that light that makes us be part of everything, that the experience of each human being is our own experience, that nothing is separate, and that there are no enlightened ones. that they enlighten themselves, but enlightenment is achieved by recognizing that you are one with the whole... That you are a fractal of the universe... A child of God...

_I: “Eyeh Ben Shelekh”… I am Your Son…

_AM: Eyeh Atteh… (I am You).

_I: Atteh Eyeh… (You are Me).



