_I: I know that we normally associate the throat with the voice, the truth, and that it is in a way the potential of the laryngeal chakra: expressing, saying, speaking, communicating. However, when we talk about the place where this chakra manifests itself physically, it is the Thyroid gland, which has nothing to do with the voice even though it is located in the neck area. Because?
_AM: Because the potential of this gland is much more related to the true meaning of the laryngeal chakra than the word and the truth.
_I: And what would that be?
_AM: “First came the Word, and God said: Let there be Light… And the Word became Flesh.” In one way or another, all cultures recognize that the first thing to emerge was Vibration. The waves that give rise to everything else. When we talk about a verb, we are talking about a vibration that refers to the concept of an action. And then, because of this verb, God can Say, express; and said expression of vibration is energy, which makes what was once the conceptual verb, become physical matter, reality. Express the idea from the word. But think carefully. The Universe does not function in separate stages or delimited phases, but everything is a continuum. Therefore, there is information inherent to what is described in the first sentence... What connects the 3 moments of creation?
_I: The process… The path that is carried out so that everything manifests as a triggering of actions.
_AM: Exactly. It is that ability to evolve, to manifest, to create from what is created, life itself, which from reality is not divided into years or stages as we have done conceptually, such as childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age, but rather In reality it is a continuum... A constant development.
_I: The Development… Sure. The Thyroid gland is responsible for development and growth of the body, which regulates the size of our extremities, organs, bones...
_AM: That during the first stage of life, just like in the Universe. The development period requires this gland to generate hormones that encourage the organs and different parts of the body to grow, expand, and strengthen. And later, throughout life, they seek the balance of all parts, regulating the functioning of organs and the secretion of other glands. And this development is regulated by the Pituitary gland, which sets limits or drives this laryngeal gland as necessary.
_I: Excess control over this gland could cause Hypothyroidism, for example, which causes it to stagnate instead of developing. This causes the body to go into depression, causing it to decline, gain weight, stop or slow down both biologically and cognitively. Otherwise, overstimulation would generate Hyperthyroidism, which would lead to stress, nervousness, spending energy reserves, losing excess weight and losing your axis.
_AM: As you will see, this gland performs the same thing as vibration, that sound, at the origin of the Cosmos: the development of balance between the parts, expansion, the creation of the universal body. For this reason, you can relate the location of this gland surrounding the trachea and the vocal cords, since since the beginning of time, vibration has been understood as the origin of development. Now, the vibration generates the wave with its concave curvature and its convex curvature. That is, it tries to regulate balance, find harmony in what is expressed. The faster the wave vibrates, the shorter the frequency at which it vibrates. Frequency is not the sound itself, but the time it takes for the wave curve to repeat itself. A high frequency means that the wave vibrates so fast that the frequency between the high peaks of the vibration occurs very successively. On the other hand, a low frequency wave means that the vibration peaks take longer to repeat, which gives a sensation of slowness. We could therefore interpret Hypervibration as fast energy that uses a lot of energy, and Hypovibration as slowed down energy that stops development. Same as Hypo and Hyperthyroidism for the body.
_I: So it can be understood in this way that Hypothyroidism is the product of a low frequency, a stopped, slow vibration. Therefore, from someone who lives stuck in the past, with the weight of history on his shoulders, who cannot get afloat and sinks in the curves of the vibration wave, trapped in the preconceptions of the past, in the unexpressed vibration.
_AM: This is how you understand the relationship between development and words. People who constantly live in the past usually express themselves by speaking with the verbal conjugation of the simple or compound past, for example of the verb “go”: “I went, I have gone.” This causes them to only talk about what was or could have been, at the same time that they think about all the things that they have not said, that they have kept, that they have kept silent and put in a trunk that they threw to the bottom of the ocean of their subconscious. . They have practically stopped their development, they have stopped expressing, carrying a depressive weight that makes them live in the structures of what they previously experienced. This arrest in development was the product of silenced, repressed, unexpressed vibration. On the contrary, a person who wastes his energy by living in the future, conjugating his verbs in that tense: “I will go, I will do, I will be able to”, never lives in the present, and can never anchor anything that he idealizes. He spends all his present energy trying to catch up with the fast curves of the high frequency wave. This leads to precisely the opposite, to volatilizing everything, and wears out the being by saying more than it should, verbally, and without care it loses the strength and power of the word by saying that it will do more than it is capable of doing.
_I: As a politician…
_AM: We will go to them in due time… If you observe the relationship between words and development, one name comes to mind that is obvious.
_I: School.
_AM: Yes, education or teaching, depending on the system you are in, undoubtedly seeks the development of an individual, both physically and cognitively, and does so through words. The verb transmits tools for learning, and leads people to grow, to expand their capabilities.
_I: But this development can also occur from the perspective of hyper or hypothyroidism, the Teaching being the pressure to accumulate more data and retain more concepts in the mind, which leads to depression and weight, and on the other hand the Education being the concept that involves bringing out what is inside me and growing from self-discovery quickly in experimentation.
_AM: This is why you may have heard it said that the laryngeal chakra is also known as the Third Ear: it is what allows us to hear our own truth. Everything you find in yourself, what you deduce in your life, in your development, you will express it through words, and when you say it, you will listen to yourself. You will hear your truth, what you are, what you believe, the frequency in which you live... If you speak properly, you will know how to hear the process in which your being is. People who speak without listening to what they say, who speak “without thinking”, usually spend a lot of energy in their lives, investigating in the hope of receiving more than they are capable of assimilating. People who remain silent when communicating, those who reserve their energy even if it is required, can fall into the depths of perdition, of never listening to themselves, and not knowing what their truth is...
_I: So… I must find balance in the ability I have to express what is inside me.
_AM: The key to the Thyroid is Learning. Am I willing to learn something new and find balance between my parts? Or do I prefer to close myself to my own truth even if it leads me to be against others?
_I: I think it's a great topic... Because we have been forced all our lives to learn other people's truths and deny our own. And today, that is reacting in its opposite. Nobody believes in anything anymore, only in what each person believes. From a spiritual point of view, the phrase “believe in yourself” can be very motivating, but at the same time it can lead us to the idea of “the rest does not matter”, losing balance with the other.
_AM: Because humans are reactionary rather than action-oriented. Your entire life, the development of who you are as individuals, has been contingent on what others tell you is the truth. As if you were the Thyroid that receives the hormones from the Pituitary, pushing for you to retain information as much as possible, without being able to express any of your opinions, any thyroid hormone. This accumulates tension, causes the truth to be projected outside, and sickens the gland, accumulating potential. Thus generating the disease. The conflict, then, is now the denial of everything that others teach us, and only the inner truth is sought, because we can no longer trust the pressure of others. There comes the spiritual truth that reminds us that the truth is not outside, but inside, and therefore one seeks one's own vision above that of others, saying "I no longer believe in anything they tell me, only in my". The overload of information overloads this gland, blocking it to the point of being unable to develop because it closes itself to any external data. This is where reactionary or conspiratorial spirituality goes wrong. We should not seek extremes and oppose each other as enemies, but rather find balance, balance in development, in which external information makes us think, and without judging it, invites us to improve such perspectives through research, education, learning. .
_I: It is a great challenge, listening to yourself but without detracting from others in the attempt...
_AM: And you... What state are you in?
_I: Well… As with everyone, it must be strange to identify it. Everything I do is my own voice. My own vision. What I share is what I have inside, and I think that many times (if not in most cases), I close myself off from others. Honestly, I have a hard time working with as many people as others do. But I also know that each person is different, I know that it is not something that I should change, but rather that I should learn to use. For example, being more alone than ever, I am now sharing with more people than ever...
_AM: Learning to take advantage of what is seen as weakness.
_I: Yes, many times I see that there is a need from others for one to be as they expect, and both towards me and towards anyone else, I have seen many comments like: “you should do this or that; don't talk that way; I think it would be better if you did it this other way…” That is, many times I feel as if instead of suggestions, I received expectations. And most likely it's because of my personality. I'm a Leo with Capricorn Ascendant, clearly I will take any advice as an imposition.
_AM: And you must work on that... Detach yourself from what others expect of you, and develop what you can be, taking what is necessary from others. Everything is a symbiosis…
_I: Clearly if I were a Gemini I would be doing this right now with 20 other people, but that is not the case... And on the one hand I know that I must be open to changing things about myself, always, but on the other I know that I must develop in tranquility of my loneliness. Now, for example, I decided to start my inner development by opening myself up to other people teaching me things that I would never have started before. Guille is teaching me piano, Tina is teaching me biology. I am studying Arabic and practicing French. All of this makes me feel that I am seeking to develop my inner self by opening myself to different tools.
_AM: What your body, your Thyroid gland, needs is precisely that: allowing yourself to open yourself to the possibility of nourishing yourself with new things that allow development, but a development capable of bringing out what was inside each one, or of calming what It doesn't stop coming out. Find a hobby, or something new to learn: whether it's drawing, knitting, learning a language, something that amplifies your ability to expand your horizons. No matter how small it is, it will help you balance your being. Learning is the key to the door to expression.
_I: And I understand well that this cough that is repeated is that anchor that I have in the past of unsaid things, unexpressed emotions... This stagnates a lot of energy there... In the throat.
_AM: There are two paths in the throat that define humans: those who talk too much, and those who are too silent. It is essential that those who talk too much find the truth in silence so that they can listen carefully to their own words, and to what others have to say. The third ear is based on knowing how to listen and listen to yourself. Those who talk a lot tend to drown what they feel in verbiage. Only silence shows them what they hide. And on the other hand, those who remain silent must take the freedom to express what is hidden, their most distressing and painful secrets. Even if they do not say it to those who should say it, just by speaking it in the solitude of the home, shouting, singing, cursing, even with bad words, releasing and spitting out the darkest secrets, frees the throat. Sometimes, what our body needs to express does not correlate with our mind, with our conscience or morals and ethics. However, it is stagnant like a thorn that prevents our development simply because we decide to “swallow our own words.” Vomit them without fear, let them out, shout them, it's just energy, and like all energy, when it moves, it will regenerate.
_I: I understand. Freedom. In order to learn and develop in harmony, I must be able to let go and listen carefully. Something that I noticed recently is the number of people who write to me saying “Thank you for your bravery in saying all this and telling your life.” The word Courage catches my attention, because I didn't understand why you had to be brave to talk about personal things. But I understood today how difficult it is for many people to talk about these things, or how difficult it is to express weaknesses, or internal conflicts...
_AM: Many have been forced to remain silent, and have been educated in fear of the concept of “what will they say.” It is one of the great evils anchored in the neck. Historically, anyone who said something inappropriate would have their throat cut, their tongue cut off, their teeth pulled out, or hung from their neck. In the Collective Subconscious, telling the truth is still equal to heresy, persecution, and guillotine. The neck is the symbol of the Bridge between the Heart and the Brain, the Emotion and the Mind, and in a society based on emotions, or one based on beliefs or the mind, the Bridge loses its logic, collapses, or is collapsed by force, and generation after generation, said communication is nullified, making everyone feel that trying to rebuild this bridge is an act of bravery in the eyes of both sides looking on with judgment and displeasure.
_I: I understand... Anyway, for me it is not Courage, it is being myself, although I encourage all those who need it to have the Courage to build this bridge.
_AM: The Universe was created only by the desire and desire to develop this bridge, seeking to learn about itself without judging anything that is outside or inside, since everything nourishes experience and growth.
_I: Therefore, I must be like the universe. If I want to create my own reality, I must learn how, and to know how I must let go of the old ways and open to the new…
_AM: Development comes from the words “de-” and “-roll”, a modification of “envelope”, “svolvere” “envelope”, which literally means “to unwrap”, that is, to discover something new that was covered by something else. . Thus, this implies having the ability to discover what is hidden in us and, using external tools, I can do it much faster. Free yourself, then, from the envelopes of beliefs and concepts learned about what you are. Free yourself from the old paper packaging in which you have covered yourself to protect yourself from the outside, and discover the gift that is inside. Educate yourself, that is, go out, open yourself to the world, learn something new about it and about yourself.
_I: And through words I create my new reality. I develop myself, to be a better Self. “And God spoke the word, and there was Light.”