_AM: And with a breath, the sculpture comes to life.
_I: Movement…
_AM: …The Dance.
_I: What is Dance?
_AM: Etymologically, dance comes from the Germanic expression “dintjan”, which means “to move from one side to another”, to sway. Dancing, Bailar in spanish (shared in English as “the ball”) from the Greek “pallein,” comes from the Indo-European “pel,” meaning movement. Dance, therefore, and everything related to it, is the art of moving, it is the capacity that reality has to generate waves.
_I: I'm terrible at dancing. I never liked it, I could never handle it, it is one of the fine arts from which I feel furthest away.
_AM: Why do you say that?
_I: Are you part of me and are you seriously asking me? Haven't you seen me since I was born? I do not coordinate the movements, I cannot move the different parts in harmony, it is as if my legs moved separately from my arms.
_AM: What do you feel when you dance?
_I: Ridiculous. I feel awkward, I'm very ashamed.
_AM: And where does this shame come from?
_I: II do not know. What happens to me is that I don't see the logic in it. Since I was little, when I saw people dancing, I did not understand the purpose of their movements, shaking without a pattern. It reminded me of totally primitive situations. It is worth mentioning that it was not until I was 21 that I accepted myself as a human. Before that, I looked around me as if I were on a safari-type excursion, trying to understand everything as if in an experiment. When we went to a party as a child, I stayed at the table. And when we went to a party as a teenager, I would sit on the stairs and watch, shy and terrified. My friends encouraged me to dance, but it was as if my mind was saying: what should I do? What is the procedure? "Break free!" They told me... But I couldn't see the connection between music and movement. Think about it logically: moving body parts disjointedly, shaking at the vibration... What makes the human body move with music?
_AM: Rhythm. If you take an extended rope tied at one end to a stick, and start shaking the rope up and down, or from one side to the other, the waves will reach the stick where it is tied, transmitting the vibration, causing the stick to move to the rhythm of the rope. In the Universe everything is a connected, nothing is separate. When the brain receives sound data, it causes spasms in the nervous system, and if those sounds arrive with rhythmic and harmonic coherence converted into melody, the nervous system sends signals to follow that wave.
_I: What would be “being cool” or “keeping up with the rhythm”…
_AM: Exactly. In this way, you can imagine the movements that the body makes when listening to the music as if the hands, feet, hips and head contoured the waves, following the figures that they form as they expand through the environment.
_I: So, the brain, following the vibration patterns, sets the entire body in motion to follow them because the nervous system is aligning itself to the rhythm of what it interprets.
_AM: Aha…
_I: It makes sense, but even if I understand this like that, it doesn't make me dance...
_AM: But nevertheless, you have managed to do it…
_I: Yes, after I was 27 years old. From that time on, the adolescence that I had not experienced came to me because I was dealing with all of my memories and interdimensional traumas. But at 28 years old, I needed to do everything that I didn't do at 19 or 20. Before, I was terrified of going out, because of all the things that I felt, and how bad it made me to be in such low-vibration environments, watching people move meaninglessly, but then, I stopped looking outside...
_AM: And you saw inside…
_I: Yes... I realized that I could dance when I closed my eyes, when I felt precisely those waves... And what allowed me to connect with it was electronic music.
_AM: Why?
_I: Because, everyone had their eyes closed, no one danced with others, each one danced within themselves, feeling the music as a form of internal connection, and not external. I could perceive most of the people around me focused on themselves, enjoying the music as if it were a perfume, I could see faces of pleasure as if after tasting a delicious plate of food, tasting the greatest of elixirs. Then I closed my eyes, and I could feel the vibration, the music, I felt connected to it, I could feel how my nervous system sent pulses through all my muscles, contracting them, making them move based on its waves.
_AM: And you danced…
_I: Yes… For hours. And I needed to do it many times, but I couldn't do it with my friends, only sometimes, I could only do it in environments where music took me to another state, of fun and expansion. Without rules, without metrics... Why?
_AM: Because even though your spirit in this life is very structured in logic for some things, the essence of your soul is free and unstructured, it flows, and cannot follow patterns, because you are part of an expanded network. The pulses and patterns of electronic music manage to make you feel at home, in the pulsars of the cosmos...
_I: Yes… That's how I feel…
_AM: And it is those pulsars that have designed the movement in the universal rhythm. One pulse generates duality, a beginning and a destination... Another pulse generates the trinity, and another designs the tetrahedron. The mind, in its consciousness, moves through these vibrating waves, following the path of the pulse along the rhythm that forms the structures, the patterns, and drives them to expand and multiply. Two tetrahedra illuminate in their hearts the image of an octahedron, and in their external movements, they draw the hexahedron. This fragments, revealing a dodecahedron, which breathes and exhales the figure of the icosahedron. And in its extension it allows the tetrahedral star to appear that repeats over and over again the cycle of these basic geometries, multiplying until it diversifies in the distortion and conjunction of its vertices and edges. The pulse begins to move through the corners of this structure, caressing every aspect of it. Thus, the universe creates itself in an oscillating movement, from side to side, rotating on itself, seeking to reach every corner of its creation.
_I: Like the dervish dance…
_AM: Gravity, which produces the effect of rotation, the spiral movement of galaxies, the precession of the equinoxes, the circulation of waters, the blowing of winds in the atmosphere, the flight of birds and insects, the walking of animals, the swimming of cetaceans and fish in the waves of the sea. Movement is life, life is dance.
_I: Everything in the Universe is dancing, then, to the rhythm of the waves and vibrations that cross time and space...
_AM: And when that consciousness awakens in humans, the universal mind has the capacity to live that movement in full awareness of itself. Feel the different rhythms, and look for the original patterns again.
_I: In what way?
_AM: Just as the mind caresses with its consciousness the patterns of geometry in formation by the pulses of the waves, the human in its consciousness does the same, caressing the patterns of geometry with its hands and feet. Stretching his limbs, in soft or fast circular or pulsating movements, he draws lines and curves around him, around the axis that he forms, tracing paths that tell a story. It is the literature of movement, the poetry of life, sculpture expressing its soul. Touch the air as if they were cotton, caress the space like the soft figure of a lover's skin, traveling through an endless number of geometric shapes that design the library of the records of your being.
_I: Dance, then... Design the torus, draw the geometries around us, create the structures and walk through them...
_AM: Dance is the art that manifests the forms of divine thought.
_I: Why can't I dance then?
_AM: Because you have repressed this art since your childhood, fearing being exposed to the world.
_I: Something that made me close myself off from dance is that humans give it so much importance, that they put pressure on those who don't do it, almost forcing you to dance, to move with them, and I don't like that, I don't feel comfortable with people. looking if I dance or not. In fact, every time they drag me to want to dance I have a very bad time, I don't feel good... That's why I like electronic music environments so much, because everyone doesn't care what you do.
_AM: Each person uses dance in the way they live, since it is related to their state of vibration, and your body will move depending on your openness. For this reason, there are different types of dances, and each one has a purpose, and you must know which one you correspond to in order to express yourself coherently.
_I: What types? What is your story?
_AM: In ancestral dance, the first dances were related to mating. Like birds, some arthropods, and some mammals, movement added to colors and songs are key to attracting attention. Dance shows the abilities and skills of living beings to develop in life, showing their strengths, flexibilities, and capabilities. The females chose the males based on the movements they managed to perform. This generated an ancient cultural tradition that, even though more than a million years have passed, the same thing is still done today.
_I: Dress well and flashily, going dancing or somewhere to show your skills and attract the attention of others.
_AM: This is the most primitive aspect of the dance, but then it incorporated something more transcendental: maintaining group unity. Dance became part of the celebration rituals, and the first ones were simply jumping and tumbling when something that everyone was proud of was achieved, such as having had a good hunt. These turns and jumps were repeated among everyone, like spasms of joy, which ended up being the first dances of the packs, which became tribes. Along this same path, the leaders or shamans decided to undertake mimicry, that is, the imitation of animals, with two objectives: hunting them or worshiping them. In both cases, the purpose was to embody the spirit of the animal to converse with it. This led to the creation of dances in which some imitated the attitudes of certain animals, embodying their attributes. The imitation of animals varied in religious cultures, in which the dances became to call storms, wind, rain, and speak with nature in general. Which in civilizations ended up becoming a way of telling a story theatrically without words. The sacred dances imitated the wind, the storms, the animals, but in a very subtle way, this time, following a narrative, a story, which led to circular dances, stage dances, classical dance, and modern dance, among others. many others, even free interpretation.
_I: It would be like a geometric language that describes the spirit of reality through movement.
_AM: And this information needs codes to transmit. Metrics and technique in dance work like music, in classical dance, ancient dances, religious dances... There are specific patterns to follow that are based on the coordination of individuals following almost mathematical measurements. There, in each movement, a network code is hidden, a piece of information, which instead of being read, heard, is felt, lived.
_I: It is geometry made movement… An organic, living architecture… A sculpture that breathes.
_AM: Every dance becomes art as long as the heart is lit in it. Dance is the art that ignites kundalini, which resembles sex, raising the sacred spiral with each swing. The movements accompany the energy, as if molding it. Everyone must find their own way to shape energy, but no one is exempt from movement.
_I: I must allow myself to dance, then, to light my inner fire and mobilize my energy, I must move my arms and legs, head and waist to generate vitality...
_AM: And do it with the music that resonates with you, with the movements you can, slowly, discovering that you can touch the energy with the gentle movement of your limbs. Design the tetrahedron around you, caressing the edges and touching the vertices. Do the same with the cube around you, the octahedron within you, expanding outward in the icosahedron, drawing the cosmos towards you in the dodecahedron. Play music, and move, bring life to your sculpture, breath to your soul.
_I: I will build my universe as the universe built me, in an eternal dance...
_AM: Dance with your body to the rhythm of the wind and water; Dance with your soul to the sound of the Earth's rotation, dancing your being in this waltz of the elliptical around the Sun. Dance like the dervishes around the Galaxy, and design your universe to the rhythm of the cosmos.
_I: I am movement, I am life... Therefore, I am dance.
_AM: Close your eyes, and let your soul dance.