Creation and Destruction
_I: Today at the pyramid I felt something special again... I think the month has arrived in which the fact of going every day begins to have an effect on me. Today I felt like I was expanding and living a kind of mini Ayahuasca ceremony. Reality began to fragment, and I expanded outside the body, rotating in all directions until I felt that everything was contracting and decompressing according to my position. All those shapes that seemed chaotic were actually very harmonious, and I could say that they coexisted only in my imagination since there is nothing that can compare it to the real world. And then everything began to be organized in such a way that suddenly everything contracted and disappeared. As if on the outside everything was light and the different shapes were only visible through the play of light and shadow, but the moment each piece found its place, everything became so dark that it seemed like a void, there was nothing. The concept of the center was incomprehensible, and then everything collapsed. Big Bang. The greatest order of all in the void generated so much tension between the parts that held each other perfectly, that all that power was released towards the center, imploding and then exploding outward.
_AM: Creation and Destruction. Both lived in an instant. The world of ideas, of conceptual planes, the abstract universe finds the power of manifestation only in the instant of the destruction of its stability. Well, it is the combination of the abstract that creates art. The colors and lines separately do not form anything, they have no meaning. However, the chaos generated is what allows the Universal Being to create.
_I: What is Creation? We humans interpret creation as the ability of an intelligent mind to design and manifest a reality.
_AM: For the Universe, intelligence is not superior, it is organic. For there is no intelligence without synapses, there are no synapses without interconnectors, there is no interconnection without polarities, there are no polarities without individualities, and there are no individuals without division, and there is no division without parts, but there are no parts without a whole. That is to say, for there to be Intelligence there must be a Mental network that supports and enables it. For this reason, a truly intelligent mind would never consider itself superior, since putting itself above something would make it outside of intelligence. The term comes from the Latin “inter” and “legere” (between and read), which would give the idea of knowing how to read between the lines. Being at the top would imply being only the Title of the text. Therefore, the creator is not a higher mind that he designs, the creator is a being that allows himself to live, feel, play, experiment, go through all the lines and words of the book of Life. A Creator is an artist who generates from previous forms. Taking what can already be conceived as a whole, he dismantles it, destroys it, to turn it into something else transcendental.
_I: How to take the primary colors, blue, yellow, red, white and black, and create a landscape full of colors through their combinations.
_AM: That's right. When you prepare a meal, you are lovingly creating something that nourishes your loved ones, or your own body, and yet it can also be understood as destroying the plants or animals you used to create it. The creation process is not intelligent, it is organic, it is artistic. Intelligence occurs during the understanding of what is created, by interconnecting the parts, by seeing the meaning between everything expressed, the created.
_I: So, there is no Creator as we usually say.
_AM: No, there is “the Creation”. The concept, and the smart grid is the same creation. Each atom is a structure that generates the Creator. Creator and Created arise at the same moment. "What was the first; the egg or the chicken?
_I: The egg. Always.
_AM: Why?
_I: Because the egg is a cellular tool that has functioned for millions of years and the genetic changes that produced a “chicken” from a “gallidus” could only occur in the yolk of the egg according to its temperature and minerals.
_AM: Thus, the hen's egg and the hen emerged at the same time, when the first hen was gestated inside an egg that became a hen's egg at the same time that the chick was being formed. And life arises when the chicken breaks the egg and eats what is left of it.
_I: …Destruction.
_AM: Destroy comes from the words “De-” and “struere”, which mean “direction from top to bottom” and “gather or pile up”, respectively. The meaning of the word means to scatter what was in the same place. What was all united and together is separated into parts. Does it sound familiar to you?
_I: Yes. Big Bang, story of the creation of the cosmos. From a vibration everything that exists emerges, from unity emerge the millions of parts.
_AM: What you call the Great Moment of Creation is actually the greatest moment of Destruction of the Universe. In the same way that life on Earth must give thanks to the comets and asteroids that destroyed its surface, making it enter a period of volcanic activity that left the surface of the world black and red, until that same greenhouse effect caused the condensation of the molecules that formed water, filling the oceans for thousands of years.
_I: The asteroids and volcanoes that leave desolate and devastating landscapes are precisely those that allowed the appearance of life.
_AM: It is the constant destruction of ecosystems over the millennia that forces life to adapt and evolve. It is crisis that nourishes the artist with creativity, it is separation that inspires unity, it is war that inspires peace. It is the problems that inspire the solutions, the questions are the key to the answers.
_I: So, what we call the duality of destruction and creation, they are not opposites, but they are exactly the same. But in such a case, the question could arise: what happens when life is destroyed, when ecosystems, towns, cities, countries, families, people... are destroyed?
_AM: Destruction implies pain. For what was together is forced to separate. Remember, the universe always tries to save the greatest amount of energy for specific moments, which is why organisms are structured and affirmed in rigid patterns that save strength and vitality. The more rigid they become, the more it will hurt when it is time for transformation. And instead of transforming, out of pain, he will call it “change.” Change comes from the Indo-European “skamb”, which means: to turn or curve. Unlike transforming, which is modifying one form into another. The pain of change is called suffering when the destruction of the foundations of physical, emotional and mental stability occurs. Suffer comes from the Latin words “sub-” and “ferre” (under and endure, respectively), that is: to endure something secretly, underneath, hidden. Suffering therefore has a connotation of having lost what was inside, what was “iron”, hard, rigid, what I considered stability. Destruction brings pain, since pain comes from the Indo-European “delh” which means “to break something in half, to cut.” In English, the word “pain” comes from the Greek “poiné,” which gives rise to the word “pena” in the Romance languages. It means “fine”, a punishment for something done wrong. Feeling sorry, then, is feeling guilty for something that happens to someone else even if it was not your problem.
_I: Sure! That's why it hurts us to create something new! We are sad that something changes. Because it means something that breaks, that breaks into pieces. In life, the first “pain” is meiosis, the division of cells that generate a baby. Then, every time the body does mitosis dividing cells, it is a painful process. “Growing up hurts,” they say. Being born is another great pain, since two humans who for 9 months were as one are separated. Fight, break up with a relationship, argue with a friend, emancipate yourself. A social conflict divided by a rift of thoughts; a war, are all forms of division, of breaking up the parts, and in turn, it is creating.
_AM: Well, if there had never been division, life would never have existed, there would never have been anything, no change, starting with the essential: today we would all still be single-celled organisms at the foot of an oceanic volcano.
_I: Life destroys itself just to be able to exist... It's almost paradoxical.
_AM: Still, there is a balance in everything. Creation and Destruction require times of processes that must be harmonious, such as the time it takes for spring to flower, summer to bear fruit, autumn to make the leaves fall and break, and winter to contain the strength for the new dawn. Every process of creation and destruction as in the seasons, whether the 4 cyclical ones or the dry and wet ones, are stages of balance, which keep everything created in constant harmony through the destruction of what came before.
_I: What if it gets out of balance?
_AM: The process accelerates more, and living beings do not have tools to cope with the process, going off axis, leading to greater suffering and pain. This is the explanation why there is so much pain in the human world, it is simple: you are forcing the cyclical machine, taking it to the extreme. “The more you want to produce, the more you will have to destroy, and therefore, the more pain you will generate.”
_I: Of course, that is what means that instead of experiencing problems as challenges we see them as constant suffering. It is what makes us think that destruction is bad, because we cannot process the creative in it.
_AM: When you split an atom in half you generate energy, when you force two atoms to join together you generate energy. Both paths will give you energy: the wind, the sun, split atoms, split them, destroy them to obtain energy. Nuclear fusion in atomic plants obtains energy by doing the opposite, appealing to the unity of said atoms. That is to say, in energy sources you understand that putting everything together is not always the most ecological and healthy solution. Sometimes the healthiest thing is to destroy. Only you do not recognize it as such, since you have moralized the concepts of Creation and Destruction.
_I: Both are one. And all you have to do with them is balance them at a coherent pace that does not lead us to pain that is impossible to process, like a war for example.
_AM: It is always better to solve a problem than to fight a war caused by a problem that perhaps had other solutions. The harder you push the energy to change, the more painful the change will be.
_I: I am the Creation that Destroys from its origin, I am the Destruction that Creates from its origin. I am the Artist who turns Pain into Evolution, and Change into Transformation.