_I: Many people tend to comment or ask me about topics that are heard in different media, such as conspiracies, hidden governments, plots, entities that control us, the matrix that dominates us, channels that talk about the struggle, the end, catastrophes, and on the other hand, scientific or historical discoveries, or errors of interpretation, or about political conflicts, about the pandemic... And sometimes I don't know what to respond or how to really help. Well, each topic is like a Pandora's box that incessantly opens more and more conflicts, versions, interpretations... Sometimes I feel that living in this world is desperate.
_AM: Things were simpler when the information belonged to a few, right?
_I: Yes... Before there were few people who studied and researched, and their knowledge was transferred to a library and university, where some went, and the others trusted. There was clarity, tranquility...
_AM: Ignorance is the greatest comfort factor for the ignorant. Ignorance is the greatest freedom for an irresponsible person. Knowing implies responsibility in decision-making and action. The key to the calm of the towns is the scarcity of information. In the same way that when you need to find peace and calm in the face of so much stress, what you do is meditate, silence your mind, silence your thoughts, leave your mind blank. Meditation, by emptying unnecessary data that you were processing without logic or practicality, helps you focus your energy and attention on a single point, and from there it frees you from pressure. Therefore, biologically, the masses choose to be ignorant. For comfort, for peace.
_I: It's almost contradictory to what we might think.
_AM: Think about it carefully. Before there were wars, but the conflicts were clear: food, security, housing. These three crossed culture, education, politics, economy, religion... The focus was clear, the problems were local, and affected a specific community where everyone shared the same race, ethnicity, culture, tradition, language, faith, ideology, history... All this changed with globalization and connectivity. Individuals went from being unknown in the masses and communities, and became someone with a word, who could access all the information and also share it. There was no longer linearity or hierarchization of information, and what we call “Networks” began to be built.
_I: Internet…
_AM: Free press, free communication, free opinion. Do you know what the problem was?
_I: …Education for sure…
_AM: Exactly. In the 18th century, with the Industrial Revolution, factories were created, peasants moved to the cities, and people factories had to be created: Schools. “Skolé” was a military-type institution from Ancient Greece, where the Hellenic people were indoctrinated to follow the laws. Public schools would create indoctrinated workers, where instead of Educating people, data were Taught. Instead of educating people to philosophize and reason, they were pressured to memorize information. This same system persists today. The educational institutions for the children of nobles, kings and bourgeoisie became Universities, and only these had access. With the secularism of the Republics after the French and American revolutions, the Universities also opened to the world, but maintaining a Skolés feel. Thus, from a simplistic humanity focused on the 3 basic needs (food, security and shelter) during the last 10,000 years, in just a few decades, we moved to a humanity flooded with data and information that could not be related to daily life. . For 250 years this system was maintained, and in the last 50, new technologies made an abysmal leap: going from a simplistic humanity accustomed to receiving data, to a non-conformist humanity with the possibility of downloading and uploading data to a network of millions of users. individuals. In the last 10 years, more information has been shared than in the last 300,000 years between free individuals without intermediaries, that is, in all of human history.
_I: Only 10 years in a humanity without education. Just teaching.
_AM: Downloading information is not the same as uploading it. There is a lot of responsibility in sharing what you know.
_I: Yes, I always think that, that anything I say could be wrong, or I could be wrong, or it could be misinterpreted by others. Because education is a lifelong thing, we will always be perfecting ourselves and it is difficult to simply accept a piece of information as true at first glance. It is a great crossroads.
_AM: It's not bad, it's practice. But there are many more years to know how to use what you have. The networks are being misused, since the only thing that humans have done is project their three basic needs into millions of data: eating, living, security.
_I: Yes, it is true, because everything that is discussed, spoken, is related to those three concepts, even if you talk about the Matrix or beings from other dimensions, it is as if the data and information have become more complex, but the essence is the same.
_AM: Because without transcending the idea of security, the idea of housing and the idea of food, no matter what you talk about, everything will return to the same thing. That is why today humanity eats information, but never digests it. There is so much that there is no time to process.
_I: That's why there is so much confusion...
_AM: The greater the amount of information, the more misinformation.
_I: Why is this happening when it should be the opposite?
_AM: Confusion comes from the words “with” and “fusion”, which in turn comes from “fuse”. That is, it refers to the mixed unification of many concepts. Maybe all of them are true and real, but when they are mixed they are no longer clear and their logic, origin, truth is not understood. Imagine that you put different paints of the 7 colors of the rainbow in a jar of white paint and begin to mix it gently. You will see how the colors that you clearly interpreted before become different things, that you can no longer interpret or identify their origin. Well now imagine that each individual on Earth has a color, and that the Network is the white jar. The greater the color, the more information, but if all that information is driven from unconsciousness, it will end up merging, ceasing to be the original and becoming something distorted. For this reason, the more information that is shared based on basic needs, the more chaos, the more misinformation, the more fear, generating a collapse.
_I: Humanity is probably experiencing one of its greatest periods of confusion. Both external and internal. Well, what I notice is that there is so much information in the media, on the internet, in books, in schools, on social networks, in those we channel, in researchers... We all have something to say, and we all have the need to listen after millennia of not doing so. We left the state of comfort, and now we don't know how to find it again, because we ourselves have become entangled in a computer trap. We can no longer say what is real and what is not. We have reached a point where the time of greatest information in history is also the time of greatest ignorance.
_AM: Because humans were not educated to think like a Human Being, but rather they were taught to reason like a Social Person. They forgot the detail that the human being is an emotional being that expresses, not a mental being that absorbs. Therefore, everything that is absorbed translates on an emotional level into imbalance, the key to chaos and inner confusion.
_I: How to solve this?
_AM: Confusion has a positive part to play in all of this. A human town in need of answers will do everything to find the truth. When free humans begin to produce different possible truths, the human begins to be overloaded with information, collapses, and enters a period of confusion produced by the external world. He loses confidence in what he sees, reads and hears, and decides to take the opposite path: towards the interior. He closes his eyes, draws inspiration into himself, and hears his own inner voice. The confusion of the external world has confused the external world, collapsing it to the point where there is no other option but to find the truth in oneself, because if I can no longer distinguish it outside, then I will only be left with the inside. Here begins the journey of awakening consciousness.
_I: But this can take us down complicated paths too.
_AM: Of course, because this process has two faces: the Unconscious and the Conscious. The Unconscious will choose Ignorance as a form of escape from confusion. Who is happier: the wise man who knows the truths and recognizes himself responsible for them, or the ignorant man who ignores all truth and denies being responsible for them?
_I: The Ignorant... Well, he has found a comfort zone in ignorance. Furthermore, for the wise the goal will never be happiness.
_AM: Very good! That's where the most important thing lies. The wise man doesn't care about being happy, because happiness is a hormonal state needed by the body that seeks security.
_I: Would you say that seeking happiness is a path of ignorance and unconsciousness?
_AM: Without a doubt it is. Well, it starts from a biological and cultural reaction, not spiritual or essential. The Unconscious Path, therefore, will seek to ignore what it hears outside and create its own story, the one that best fits its value and belief systems. The Conscious Path will go inward, to discover the void, and in doing so it will open its eyes and will not take any truth as its own, nor will it invent its own version of events, but will search in all external truths for the tools capable of bring its truth to what is practical and useful in the common, in all humanity and in harmony with the planet.
_I: So from unconsciousness, confusion leads us to ignorance and the construction of our own history to which we cling out of need for security. And from consciousness, confusion helps us find an inner path rich in harmonious solutions to the outside world...
_AM: In what way do you prefer to be confused?
_I: Consciously.
_AM: So everything you hear about the world, don't take it personally. Nothing is personal. Well nothing really is real. Not even that which is. You cannot rely on external truths, but you know they do not exist. You can only build based on common truths, those that seek harmony with the whole, those that do not fight but build. Take moments of confusion as a warning from the mind that it is time to meditate, to go within, to find balance. Confusion is your ally on the path to awakening.
_I: “I only know that I know nothing,” said Socrates…
_AM: And from there he was able to share. Doubt is the key to every statement, not the other way around. It is the question that awakens the path to the answer. It is confusion that invites us to seek clarity and order in a world of chaos. Make your weakness a strength, your shadow your greatest beacon of light.
_I: Confusion has nothing to do with Confucius, right?
_AM: If you talk about the word, no. Confucius is the Latinization of the name of the master and philosopher Kung Fu Tze, from China, who left the foundations of a philosophical doctrine to find such harmony in times of chaos and confusion. His advice was helpful in bringing balance, and this is where you will notice that only by nurturing people with the right questions will you awaken the conscious answers that lie within them.
_I: The doubt, the question, as in Kabbalistic Judaism, as in the Greek education of the agoras: it is the confusion of the external world that awakens the will to find the answers in the internal world.
_AM: So contemplate the confusion of your world, and you will know what questions you must ask yourself to find clarity. Silence your mind, don't think. Feel, breathe in, exhale, meditate, recognize your surroundings, recognize that everything is a perception, building possible truths, and set out to build yours with the intention of harmony, where there is no polarity, duality, struggle, but rather integration and pragmatism.
_I: I see that for the spiritual world, pragmatics are very important, that things are practical. Because?
_AM: Because practical comes from “prasso” in Greek, which means “to finish what I started.” Things that are not finished are repeated, like ideas that fly without being manifested. That which you do not manifest, that is not useful and perceptible by the 5 senses, will not be useful for the spiritual world.
_I: If it's not practical, it's not useful...
_AM: That's right, so don't take the chaos and confusion of the world's over-information as a mental weakness, but as the willingness of a species to become conscious without proper education. Teach and you will have an obedient society, Educate and you will have a conscious humanity.
_I: I will look at my confusion with different eyes now... It is time to Educate...
_AM: And to do this, you must leave school and enter the soul.