Center and Middle
_I: “Nanha kei Thata”… Mom and Dad. We have already talked about this topic, it has come up several times, but this time, the pyramid priest told me something different than what I had in my mind. He sat in front of me, but as if he were also in me, and his words came out of my mouth, making silence when I had to respond. He put his hands on my knees. On my left knee he placed his right hand, and on his right knee he placed his left hand, leaving my arms like an X, crossing over my plexus. “Nanha sgahfor Thatay Aterti”, the Mother contemplates looking for the Father in Heaven, she said making movements with her right hand on her left knee. “Thata sgahfor Nanhay Tumti,” she said, performing the opposite movement, that is, with her left hand on her right knee: the Father contemplates searching for the Mother on Earth. “Chithi omul inukay”, and in the center they find themselves towards the search for balance. She raised her hands and joined them in the center at the level of my eyes. He showed me the Earth in the fetal position, or in the defense posture, when we are afraid, in which we surround our legs with our arms, bringing our knees to our chest and placing our chin between both knees. Then I saw both knees on the Earth, above the organs, the kidneys, the pancreas, the adrenals, above the two lungs, Congo and Amazon... There they were, the left knee in the Middle East, and the right knee in central America.
_AM: Mother and Father.
_I: Yes… The story of our family tree. He had always written that the Middle East was one of the kidneys, an adrenal, and that Central America represents the mouth and its teeth...
_AM: And that's right, only in front of them are the knees of this terrestrial person in an Andean mummification position. Let's start with the teeth.
_I: Central America.
_AM: The Central American plate was not part of Pangea as we see it today. This entire plate was under Pantalasa, and was moving towards the east like a train of volcanoes ready to cross the territory of the great continent. Today you can see this same movement in the Hawaiian Ridge or Chain and the Emperor Sea Range, which originate from the Kamchatka Peninsula and find their locomotive on the Big Island of Hawaii. Central America is this plate that dragged the small California plate southward, creating the San Andreas Fault and the California Peninsula. Towards the southeast, as South America and North America began to separate from Africa, the chain of volcanoes broke through and pushed the inland lands in a sea mountain range towards the coasts of Africa, creating the Caribbean Plate. Towards South America, the plate pushed the Andes into formation, creating the mountains of Colombia up to Guajira, pushing the mountain ranges of the entire Venezuelan coast. In the north, from Jalisco to Belize passing through Michoacán, Distrito Federal, Puebla, and creating the Sierras Madres del Sur and Chiapas, entering the sea towards Cuba. As they moved away from Africa, the Antilles began to rise, and the pressure from the two Americas dragged this central plate with them again to the west, raising the Central American mountain range. Thus, the current southern territories of Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama became the bridge between the Americas, while the Antilles from Cuba to Aruba became the bridge to the Caribbean. The islands of the Caribbean and the volcanoes of Central America are the teeth of the Earth. This implies that the Caribbean territory is geographically a kind of terrain from which a dental biodecoding of the entire world can be carried out.
_I: And in fact, it was the first place where many races arrived due to colonialism, through slaves. The first interactions between settlers and colonizers, the first confrontations with Mesoamerican civilizations, the first intercultural contacts...
_AM: And not only since 1492 when European explorers touched the Caribbean, but these lands have always been exchanged. Since the first settlers of America set foot on these continents, Central America became the meeting point for the peoples of the south and north.
_I: Where the Eagle and the Condor meet.
_AM: That place is the Third Eye of the Americas: Lake Cocibolca. Nicaragua. The two eyes of the Americas, that is, the vision of both continents, is focused between the Salt Lake in Utah and the Titi Kaka in Bolivia – Peru, so the central vision is the great lake of Nicaragua. As in the north you find the sacred Antelope Island and in the south the sacred Island of the Sun, in the center you find the sacred island of Ometepe. Although the meeting places between the peoples were diverse, the Northern Eagle and the Southern Condor found their center of debate for special moments in Central America, near Nicaragua, under the energy of the Quetzal.
_I: Today's Being spoke of the prophecy of the Condor and the Eagle. What does this imply?
_AM: That the Ancestors must be reunited by the New Ones. Return to the Center, the two visions of the north and the south, united in a third vision. And that place is Central America. A new consciousness cannot be shaped if the new do not listen to the ancestors, and if the ancestors do not trust the new. The Family Constellation must be carried out, in which everyone can be represented. And at that moment, all visions will once again be One…
_I: Sort of a United Nations-style meeting.
_AM: But without nations, only ethnicities, races, humans. While this region connects the people of the North and the South, the Middle East connects the East and the West.
_I: Complicated place to join…
_AM: But that is nevertheless what its entire history has been dedicated to. At the same time that the Americas were moving westward and the Caribbean plate was beginning to take shape, Africa was pressing all the islands and archipelagos of the Tethys Sea eastward. The continent of Laurasia began to descend from the north pole, and this began to trap the islands in slices of land that collapsed together. Anatolia, Caucasus, Armenian Highlands, Zagros Mountains, Elburz Mountains, Sinai and the Hejaz Asir mountain range, shaped the mountains of present-day Turkey, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Arabia , Jordan, Yemen and Oman, while enclosing their large and arid deserts. This last country, Oman, was considered the geographical gateway to the Garden of Eden, the fertile valley of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, today submerged in the Persian Gulf. The Portal of Creation was known as the door of Ahura Mazda, Solar divinity, creator father of humanity from the Heavens. The Middle East was called Asia Minor, a territory through which African humans emigrated to the Asian and European continent. And it was there where some of the nomadic tribes met the Star Gods, the Children of Heaven on Earth, or as the Mesopotamians called them: “An Nuna Ki”.
_I: They were the ones who modified some humans and created the leap in human evolution, giving them tools to generate civilization.
_AM: Some protected humans, others used them. But they were both heavenly parents. The Middle East was the meeting point between the people of the west who migrated to the east, and the people of the east who returned to the west. This territory encompassed the meeting point between Heaven and Earth, between Sunrise and Sunset. Everyone sought to conquer these lands to be close to the gates of Heaven.
_I: Many teachers and enlightened people in history sought this territory to achieve this transcendence on a planetary level. Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, and these because they are the most renowned, but in reality, so many others from different traditions...
_AM: The Middle East is a center of ascension, of energy transformation, and the primary focus is in the Jordan River basin, from its source between Syria, Lebanon and Israel, crossing the Sea of Galilee, the Dead Sea through Palestine and culminating in the Gulf of Aqaba towards the Red Sea, between Israel, Egypt and Jordan. There is the deepest habitable territory on Earth, the depression of the Dead Sea, therefore, turning it into a vortex towards the interior, towards the roots, just as on its sides is the ascension. The strength of this territory reminds us that it is a constant producer of energy, and everyone seeks to obtain it.
_I: Today I asked this. Both Central America and the Middle East have been territories used by empires to obtain wealth, to use them as a means, as a way to achieve their objectives, and coming to the conflicts that these two territories experience, I asked myself what hidden interests there are. Well, both in the Americas, the Center, and the Middle East, are clouded by religion, trafficking and violence. Also the search for mineral resources such as oil. The powers of the world maintain instability in these territories in order to obtain greater benefits from them. How is this fixed?
_AM: You are seeing conflicts with eyes limited to your present. Throughout history, these territories have always been chaotic and conflictive. It has nothing to do with imperialist or colonizing states, or companies and hidden control systems. This has to do with the territory as a vortex of energy that attracts everything unstable and chaotic, as it constantly breaks structures. Both territories represent the capacity for stability in chaos. Clearly humanity does not possess this capacity, since it is decentered from its own being. On the one hand Islam, on the other Christianity, both are inflexible, like rocks that are difficult to shape, living in territories that require flexibility. Rigid minds in changing spaces. Doesn't it sound like anywhere in the world to you?
_I: Yes, it's true... Humans in general live their lives asking for change without seeing that change is constant; that the problem lies in that their mind and idea of what should be does not change, there is no mental transformation, each person adheres to their own beliefs.
_AM: And that's where you find the Knees. The flexibility of humanity must be found so that these territories fulfill their real function in balance. “You will honor your Father and your Mother,” said the Being.
_I: Yes… Why does the Middle East represent the Mother and Central America represent the Father?
_AM: The Middle East has an ancient tradition of honoring the Creator Mother, it has the ancient culture of matriarchy, coming from the cavernous wombs of women and the caves. Life in said territory is expressed through the Mother and her Muses. But She looks to the Heavens, hoping to find the Father, her complement, who descends from the Stars, from the Sun, and gives her warmth and life. For this reason, the Middle Eastern Mother goes out of her way for the Father, seeking the idealism of the man, of the macho, which has led her traditions to value the image of the man more than the image of the woman.
_I: And in Central America, it's not very far away either...
_AM: But his story was different. Before Middle Eastern Christian traditions came to the Americas, they all came from shamanic culture. Everyone understood that we were part of the Heavenly Father, that we came from the stars, from the Sun, that we were divine beings, and that one day we were sent to Earth. Because? Because the Father wanted to impregnate the Mother and love her creation. Thus, the people of America dedicated their lives and love to the connection with Mother Earth, looking towards nature as a form of Divinity, a Father in love with a Mother.
_I: I understand. The Middle East is an earthly Mother who seeks her connection in the Father's heavens, and Central America is a heavenly Father who recognizes himself as such and who seeks to descend to Mother Earth to create. While in the Middle East one is born from the mother seeking Enlightenment and freedom in the Cosmos of the Father and his Law, in the Americas the laws of the Cosmos are understood as natural, and the Earth and nature as the place to play with those laws and learn what it is capable of, being born in the womb, generating life.
_AM: These two territories have descended the information of our history. They are those who have expanded our family tree, those who have seen the emergence of new races, the connection between tribes and civilizations, generating the largest crossbreeds in history. These two territories of the world are where we are all Family.
_I: …Our Ancestors, Celestial and Terrestrial. I honor, therefore, my Mother and Father, the Middle East and Central America, as the trees that sustain my history and that connect me in all directions with each human through time and space.
_AM: I Am Life… And History is my Skin…