Build - Destroy
_I: Sometimes I start watching the news... Something I instantly regret, but it's because I need to know what is happening in the world, although it is obvious that the media does not show what is happening in the world, but rather a brief part of it. Beyond what is true and what is not, there is something evident that can be seen every day, and that is the incessant destruction that the world is experiencing. It is striking that we have a prevailing need to destroy what others have created, or what we ourselves have built. Because?
_AM: Shiva. Remember what Shiva told you on Mount Kailash in Tibet.
_I: “Do not fear destruction, it is part of creation.”
_AM: “Do not take responsibility for what is destroyed, because destruction is imminent. Get busy building while the other forces get busy destroying and clearing your path.”
_I: It's a painful sight...
_AM: It is, seen from a limited moral vision. Remember: Build comes from “com” (together) and “struere” (accumulate, pile up), therefore, destroy comes from “de-” (set aside) and “struere”, that is, separate, dissipate the things that were armed or piled up. The Universe is a construction that is destroyed in the Diverse. The Division, the diversification of the cosmos is the destruction of the universe, although, from your point of view, you see it as construction. Life, evolution is a creative process that multiplies forms, develops them in millions of ways, resembles creation; when for the first particle it is nothing more than an entropy constant that leads us to chaotic disappearance. What in Diversity you call Life, the Universe calls Death. Returning to the essence of the universe is to go through death to find eternal life, where you rebuild yourself, reuniting all the parts into which you have divided yourself, to return to unity.
_I: It's all a matter of perspective...
_AM: Starting from this basis, you can understand the logic of destruction and construction, of universal distension and contraction.
_I: The constant. Continue, move forward.
_AM: Things that are not destroyed cannot advance, because in the universe, in each world, there is a material limit, which reuses the parts of those same structures to create new ones. Nature is a clear example of regeneration through destruction, in each change of season, in the fall of leaves, in fires that give rise to new shoots. Volcanic eruptions that give nutrients to the fields and fertilize them. Storms that allow the release of tension in the environment, bringing rain and atmospheric changes. The earthquakes that allow the creation of rivers and mountains.
_I: All that destruction seems to be in a state of order…
_AM: But it's not. The truth is that it is chaotic, but a chaos that has managed to find a way to adapt after millions of years. For you today, oxygen is something normal and stable, but for the first beings in this world, it was a toxic poison. Plants had to adapt to be able to manage this gas in minimal doses, and animals had to struggle to be able to breathe and live under the pressure of this gas. What you experience today with normality and apparent harmony, meant millions of years of suffering and conflict in the first organisms that had to work like no one else to ensure that you today can eat and breathe without major problems, with total naturalness.
_I: I understand... The means that force us to evolve are chaotic, it's just that we tend to live the result and naturalize it as order.
_AM: That's right. It is what you will call “short-termism”, the hope that everything will happen in the short term. Already. Now. That vision does not allow you to contemplate the long periods of history.
_I: So I should see wars and human suffering as part of development? How long more? We have been experiencing conflicts for thousands of years, and there are conflicts that have lasted until today for thousands of years. How can I face this reality?
_AM: The Earth is 4.5 billion years old since its creation as an incandescent rock. Oxygen did not appear as a fundamental element and in large quantities in the atmosphere until about 2.4 billion years ago, in a process called The Great Oxidation. But, this did not happen overnight, and those responsible for this happening were living organisms that did not need oxygen to live. These were the cyanobacteria, which carried out photosynthesis. However, in the production process something annoying and unnecessary for them was generated: oxygen. Basically, they excreted oxygen, which for 1 billion years filled the atmosphere.
_I: 1 billion years of just bacteria defecating, urinating, releasing oxygen gases… Wow. What a time! Almost like living with my high school friends studying for a final exam... But with methane.
_AM: If the comparison makes you feel comfortable... Yes. In short, the atmosphere took 1 billion years to form, and it would take another 500 million years to develop the first beings capable of processing oxygen and using it as a source of energy. The human homo sapiens sapiens (modern human) is only 150,000 years old on the face of the Earth, and as a hominid he appeared about 3 million years ago. The cultures that developed civilizations are no more than 15,000 years old, and the construction of recent history is 6,000 years old.
_I: We're still struggling to adapt to our oxygen, right?
_AM: That's right. In evolutionary terms, human consciousness and reason are very young, barely taking steps in their development. They look for a kind of balance in the social order, laws and morals, but even so, they fail to recognize that this order is not produced by external forces, but by internal potential. It is the development of the organism itself, of the individual being that makes a transcendental change in the way it acts in the world, and not the moral pressure of others.
_I: Are you implying that no matter how much social justice we generate, no matter how much division of powers, how much we intend to control those who do harm, how much we protect ourselves from disruptors, the system will always fail?
_AM: As every system before yours has done. Look through the window. Do you see the Pyramid?
_I: Yes…
_AM: Built by one of the most harmonious and evolved civilizations of the past, Atlantis, Khef. And yet, it passed into the hands of the Egyptians, another civilization that achieved stability and law. And yet, look at it, destroyed. Rocks, dust… A skeleton. Look at Babylon, Iraq, Greece, and Rome itself was still largely buried underground. Examples of order, law, stability destroyed, summarized in pieces.
_I: A shame...
_AM: Are you sure?
_I: Well… It's ugly to see that destruction.
_AM: If those civilizations had not been destroyed, you would still be under the control of polytheistic empires, under Roman law, under Caesar, or Pharaoh.
_I: That's true... But is there a way they don't have to be destroyed this way? Can't there be a natural continuity?
_AM: That's what we've described. Humans live on three mental levels: Subconscious, Unconscious and Conscious. In the Subconscious process, the mechanisms that reign are those of survival: eating, sleeping, producing; and therefore, security and defense are ensured as continuity mechanisms. Necessity is the key to this level. In the case of Unconsciousness, everything that is done is done based on polarity, extremes, currents that group and provide security as long as one places oneself at one extreme. This generates ideologies, beliefs, belonging, which leads to the idea that things are on one side or the other, right or left, up or down, victim or perpetrator, powerful or poor, war or peace, good or bad. , inside or outside... Successively the unconscious mind will create enemies, opposites that give a sense of location and belonging to its being. And ultimately, you have a Conscious level, one that is recognized as a being in the process of development, that does not depend on anyone and yet is a fundamental part of the whole, where there are no sides or polarities that are valid, but rather intentions that must be manifested by the inner potential, without having to drag others along one's own path.
_I: So, until we reach a level that surpasses our unconsciousness, connecting with our consciousness of being, we will be experiencing powerful, painful processes of destruction...
_AM: Extremists. It will take time.
_I: And in the meantime?
_AM: You must be like those cyanobacteria, but instead of delivering oxygen, you will deliver consciousness. You must be that cell that becomes a multicellular organic network, like a tree slowly creating a forest on the ruins of an ancient civilization. Give the oxygen of consciousness, not because you want the world to be conscious, but because it is your nature to be and share it. Build, not because you want to change the world, but because you yourself consider that change every day. And in your surrender, others will learn to breathe consciousness.
_I: Oh, I have never seen it like that... Excrete consciousness as my own nature, giving an environment to others so that they learn to use it... Without expecting them to do it now, since we are in the process of development...
_AM: Things will be built and destroyed constantly, it is a matter of your level of consciousness if you will suffer that destruction, what that destruction will move you, or if it will be gradual and conscious towards something new without the need to break anything. Remember… Jungles grew on the ruins of Mexico. Forests grew on the ruins of Europe. Fields and jungles grew on the ruins of Asia. Over the ruins of Africa the sands spread and the fields of silt grew. Life continues slowly, and what you see as destruction, the universe sees as opportunity. Change the focus of attention from that which is destroyed, to build a new opportunity for those who suffer destruction.
_I: Like bacteria did with animals…
_AM: As the conscious will do with the unconscious...
_I: I am Builder and Destroyer of worlds…
_AM: Simply because I am Eternal.
_I: And in eternity, I am one and the same...
_AM: Constant Creation.