

_I: “Sowing a New Humanity.” When we named the Foundation in 2012, I immediately decided to call it Arsayian, in honor of those who spoke to the world, and when I had to mention our intention, that phrase arose: sowing a new humanity. The Arsayians were one of the 3 Atlantean priestly groups of modern-day northern Egypt. The Emenien were the ones who taught about the Tree of Life and its codes. The Arsayien were those who taught about the Flower of Life and its laws. And the Idilien taught about the Seed of Life and its potentials. In Initiatory education, all apprentices must first study with the Emenien. These taught about the codes of creation, of all the dimensions, letters, structures of life, they taught how the natural and human kingdoms worked. And his teachings were the basis of the Arsayien. They taught the power of the word, and how it was capable of not only communicating information between people, but also being able to modify realities, manifest dreams, and connect with other kingdoms and beings. To be able to say the key words, to perform the magic, coherence was necessary, and that is why they educated about the laws of the Universe and how to manage them as a conscious being. Thus, the Idilien could become their own voice, their own creation, teaching about the fundamental foundations and patterns of existence, the elements, the geometries, and from there, how to do alchemy, transforming themselves into what they previously communicated with. . Activate the divine potential of the seed of the great tree.

_AM: The three of them were a holy trinity of wisdom.

_I: Yes. But it was the Arsayians who organized the spread of the Web's message. When in the Age of Leo everything was failing, and civilization seemed to collapse imminently, the nomadic peoples of the south began to threaten the stability of the Atlantean colonies, and the Idilien represented said axis about to break. The Arsayien, reading this in the heavens and the earth, speaking with other dimensions, saw clearly the collapse of Leo and the hope of returning in Aquarius, and therefore began a retreat where the Idilien were hidden in various parts of the world. Some Arsayien were sent to make paths to the nodes of the Earth, to communicate to the world that sooner or later we would return to activate consciousness, the planetary Network.

_AM: The Road from the North to the South…

_I: Harwitum (Hare = north, Wifu = south, Tume = path). The Arsayians called a meeting of the 12 Families, which was called Harinfolink, that is: Sun, Stars and Moon. This meeting spoke of a stellar alignment in which all things would change, and the 12 Families, each representative of a Celestial House, had to agree to know how to take back the reins of this change without losing control. But the Arsayians had another plan, a plan B. They gathered a group of young priests in front of the Great Sphinx (Tul-Bassik), to make a vow for Emmesdah: the Memory. The vow was to defend memory through remembrance, and to remember they had to carry the information and distribute it through blood, generation after generation, from the celestial nodes or houses on Earth. These were called “Khem Bassikir” (Guardians of the Atlantean Nile), and they were the ones who carried out the Harwitum path while the 12 Families debated. I remember that at that meeting, three of our celestial ancestors showed up: the Inna, extraterrestrials from Sirius, the mother star. And one of them said: “You are in between mirrors. The question is not how, or who, or what, or where, the question is when. In the mirror of time and space you will meet again, and your spirits will descend from the Tree to become seeds of a new self. It is time to let go of the humanity that you are, autumn has arrived and soon you will experience the winter of your spirits. When the time comes, they will know that you have returned to sow a new humanity.” That was part of the plan. The when was 12,000 years later, at the beginning of Aquarius. The old Humanity was the Age of Leo, and the New is the Aquarian Age. That was the when. The Arsayians spread their message across the Internet, and it would be our task to reconnect it, to put the puzzle together. That is why I knew that the word that created consciousness and realities wove the Network, prepared the ground for the seeds that we have become when we fall to the ground in the fall, covered by the pressure of the earth throughout the winter. It is time to germinate, and we have begun to do so slowly in recent centuries. Yesterday when we were talking about Culture, everything looked very similar to Agriculture, these cultures being the product of the expansions experienced by each human group in the past, intertwining with each other, creating new ones, distorting the original image into thousands of options. I understood that to find the coherence of that entire network I must open myself to all the parts into which my past was fragmented. The path that each person takes in their life, going to new places, traveling, knowing, experiencing different cultures, is almost a journey of collection, like a bee that collects pollen from the flowers scattered throughout the forest to produce honey. And as it does so, it spreads the pollen among the trees, fertilizing, pollinating, helping there to be more flowers, and greater diversity. Know things outside,it only helps me to know myself, to carry out the task that the Arsayians had entrusted: remembering oneself.

_AM: “Äyn-mem-py = Remember yourself”, was the Atlantean mandate, knowing that everything that existed was a single being fragmented into millions, and that by knowing the millions, you were only reconnecting, uniting in consciousness the parts of yourself with greater experience and wisdom, since each one would have become a specialist in that fragment. In the ancient worldview, each fragment was a seed born from the Great Tree, and therefore, possessed the full potential of its roots and branches. But at the same time, it is a new tree, with its own qualities and particularities, making it unique. Recognizing the seeds as part of the same tree allows you to see all the capacities you possess in yourself through others.

_I: It is what we talked about yesterday, Culture, the development of inner art, of Technology that allows us to cultivate ourselves, know options, the sowing of the spirit, the irrigation of the soul and the support of the body's nutrients, culture being the fruit to be harvested from the plant that I became, the Being.

_AM: The Initiatory Path that the Inna described to humans is the method by which you get this seed to germinate and become its own tree. The time and space they spoke of, the cycles, the steps, the schools, all describe the method by which to accomplish such a task.

_I: And what is the method that awakens the technology of our culture?

_AM: You call it “Agriculture.”

_I: I might think that you are telling me that in order to be a spiritual being, I must become a farmer...

_AM: That's right. Isn't that what you had to do? Do you think it was random?

_I: I guess not. When my mother told me that she would go to country school, I didn't like the idea at all. But then I learned to value it, and even more so when I learned the logic of why. I was about 10 years old when she told me. And I went to a school near my house, which they called Escuela de los Padres, on Sarmiento Street, a hero of Education in Argentina. I liked it there, it was original. But my mother, I don't know why, she said that she wanted to enroll me in another school where I would spend most of the day learning things that field. I refused very much, I hated the idea. We had to start at 7:30am each day, and return home at 5:30pm. We ate, we had snacks, we hung out with the teachers. And when we were older, we had to do field tasks, and if we did something wrong, the “punishment” was to stay longer hours or a whole weekend working in the field. It seemed very military, and it kind of was, but at the same time I understood something over ti_I: this was real life, the same as always, this is how humanity began. The school was called “Regional Agrotechnical Center” (CAR), its classrooms overlooked flower gardens and water fountains, we all had field uniforms, and in addition to the normal subjects, we had wild tasks: gardening, beekeeping, livestock, horseback riding. , vermiculture, poultry farming, compost, fruit trees, machinery, large animals... At school we learned about everything, from the seed to the final product, from the embryo to cooking the animal. We learned to recycle everything, to drive tractors, to use all the farm tools, to distinguish weeds from grains, to wash toilets, to make leather and crafts from animals and plants, we learned to cook, to clean the classrooms, gardening, science, chemistry, philosophy, mathematics, language, English, literature... There was so much that it was impossible to understand everything, and no matter how great it was, it was stressful, and they often forgot that we were children, not farm workers. . However, now that I look back, I start to think about my own ancestors, about my grandmother's parents themselves, I realize that they had lived their lives like this, doing the same thing as me but from a lack of general knowledge. When I went to the supermarket and saw a vegetable, I understood the work behind its growth, the patience, the dedication.

_AM: Agriculture is the culture of Agro. Agro comes from the Greek and Indo-European “ager” which means land, land. In Greek, the word “ager” generated the concept of “ageia”, describing the set of lands, which today we call “Gaia” = Earth.

_I: So that's where the very spiritual name of our planet comes from, from the word “arable land.”

_AM: As we have spoken many times, humans owe their lives to the Earth, because basically humans are Earth. Human means moist earth (from the Latin “humus”), and the quality of being human is called “humility.”

_I: Something very unusual for humans.

_AM: Humility is the quality of being connected to the Earth, and therefore, of valuing what lives in it and grows in it. His attribute is being Humble, which describes the idea that a human should value what is under his feet because it is what gives him life. Someone who looks at Heaven all the time and seeks the divine in the stars, expressing the will to abandon the world, to free himself from it and float in the cosmos, is a being stripped of humility, since he does not look at the Earth, he looks at the Heaven, he does not value what is under his feet, but prefers not to feel it. Humility is related to being barefoot, and not because humility is related to poverty, but it means that it does not put barriers between his body and this world.

_I: Even so, it is often thought that humility is for the poor, because the poor are usually described as humble.

_AM: It is a conceptual error. Humble is not he who has less, but he who values ​​and shares what he has. A being can be greedy and conceited, selfish and poor. The concept of humility was related to poverty for the same reason that poverty is considered a gift from heaven: a political-religious strategy to make people believe that the kingdom of heaven belongs to the dirty poor who work the land and get dirty every day. every day in the mud. This idea related humility to poverty, although they have nothing to do with each other. Humility is the appreciation of the world, of the richness of the earth, of enjoying existence, of sharing what is achieved, of not putting barriers between the ground and the body, of daring to feel the dust and mud from which you come. . The first humans covered themselves in mud, they used talc and powder to protect themselves from the sun and insects, and that is why it was said that the first humans were born from clay, because they dressed in it. They ate roots, fruits and vegetables, until they discovered how to farm. They marveled at Heaven but not to go to it, but because it showed them how to sow and reap. All human potential, all technology, emerged from its relationship with the Earth, all culture emerged from what was cultivated, all civilization was based on food. All stability was based on food. All security was attributed to the terrain. All divinity was manifested in the elements. Every ceremony and celebration arises from honoring agriculture and its cycles. All festive dates are a traditional product of a product born on earth. And suddenly, humans decided to look at the sky and forget about the Earth, and believed that it was simply a resource created for humans, at our mercy. The human believed himself to be divine, and his being was dominated by the ego, consumed by spiritual fire, he detached himself from the Earth, turned his back on it, and used it at his mercy. The human disconnected from the world so much that he put on shoes to avoid getting dirty. And they were increasingly higher to get closer to the sun and further away from the ground. Instead of looking at his steps, they raised their chins, lifting their noses, looking at the horizon, and wanted everything in it for themselves. The Ego, believing itself to be divine on its own, began to dominate the earth and its resources, and moved away from the countryside to live in the city. And the most unexpected point arrived...

_I: Not even knowing where the things we eat come from…

_AM: Exactly.

_I: It's incredible how many times most humans don't know where one food or another comes from, or that a chicken is a hen, or where an egg comes from, or a carrot, or an apple, tomato, meat... I It is often surprising that the majority do not know where food comes from and how difficult it is to produce it, and how poorly it is produced in many cases, given that everything we do is based on eating. Without food we die, and yet we don't seem to care where things come from.

_AM: The human loses himself not because he does not know where he is going, but because he forgot where he came from. A tree falls because it loses its roots, not its branches.

_I: I understand why I spent 5 years of my life in an agrotechnical school... I needed to experience the land, work it, understand how it is tilled, how things arise from it, understand the peasant, the farmer, the rancher... They are jobs that seem remote and precarious in the eyes of today's world. And industrialization has considered that these forced tasks can be carried out by machines, and they have encouraged overproduction, claiming that this would generate more resources for humanity, and yet, there is more and more hunger the greater the production. In many cases, farmers are blamed for being “landowners,” but to be a farmer, you have to “have land.” In Argentina, for example, the countryside is the only living and fixed economy that sustains the history of the country, and yet the people of the countryside are always treated as an Oligarchy. One of the reasons why this has been the case is because in the 1940s so many people were attracted to live in the cities and factories, especially Buenos Aires, that rural people concentrated in what are today poor neighborhoods. and villas, favelas, dependent today on the State. If the country had focused its capacity on land, there would possibly not be a small group with large areas inherited from feudal times. And this has happened in several places in the Americas, but not in Europe, where gardens have remained a primary way of feeding the families of the people, since due to all the wars, they have understood very well the importance of creating the food itself.

_AM: A country is strong because of two things: its connection to its land and its education. The connection to the earth implies the recognition of its natural resources, knowing that they are part of the human body that inhabits it, that what you do to the earth, you do to yourself, that what you produce and how you produce it, It is what nourishes your body and your soul. Knowing the potential of the soil is awakening humility, recognizing that things do not arise through the magic of thinking about it, but through the alchemy of manifesting it. It may seem absurd, but knowing how a tomato is born, grows and reproduces is the basis of true humility. Knowing the water cycle, the work of a bee, the patience of a tree, the dedication of an ant, knowing where fruits come from, how long they take to grow, knowing where meat comes from, the time and resources they require. generate it as well as the emotion and development of the animals you consume. Knowing that what nourishes you is alive makes you responsible for what lives and what nourishes you.

_I: So, a fundamental key to spirituality, to planetary awareness, lies in the humility of becoming a farmer, of at least honoring the work of those who produce and the infinite capacity of the earth to generate it.

_AM: It is in the countryside where humanity emerged, and it is because of the countryside that it remains alive. How much longer will it take you to recognize the basics of your existence? The air you breathe for free is produced by trees. If you want to breathe more, plant more trees. The food that nourishes you every day has traveled an enormous journey of time, an extensive process in space, from being a seed, to being sown, nourished, harvested, transported, cooked, manifested from the hands of the harvester to the hands of the harvester. kitchen. A salad is a story, a plate of food is the summary of an ancient culture. When you eat, you consume history, wisdom, you consume the human capacity of having learned to manage time and space.

_I: It's a beautiful way to see what we consume...

_AM: Because the truth is beautiful.

_I: And what is happening today with everything that happens with GMOs, with the companies that control the seeds?

_AM: Today you say? This has only been modernized... Genetic modification is something ancient. Wheat only had two seeds, or 4, just like corn. The apples, pears and other fruits that you eat today juicy and huge, in ancient times were small and hard. Malformations have always been used by humans to transform species, using them to modify genetics since the early days of sedentary lifestyle. And at the same time, understanding seeds as currency, they have always been under the control of governments, which regulated food, something that companies that finance governments usually do today. Only the forms have changed, but not the idea.

_I: And how do you change this?

_AM: As always. Not fighting against the old, but taking back the power of the humble. She sees the earth again with the love of the mother that she is, that she generates, that she gives life, that she nourishes. She values ​​each food again, discovers its origin, what it takes for it to reach you, marvel at the process of its being and history. Return to Earth. On the path of awakening you usually talk about Gaia, the spirit of Gaea, the soul of the Earth, but you forget to look at and honor Ager, her body. Value the body and its minerals, put down deep roots, and become the farmer of your own existence.

_I: That is Sowing a New Humanity, a humanity that, although it remembers its interdimensionality, its stellar origin, and seeks its enlightenment, recognizes and respects the Earth, knowing about it, being humble in the richness of its potential.

_AM: Tilling the Earth will take on another meaning when instead of doing it to survive, you do it to discover yourself by honoring your origin. Remember, the origin is in the center, and the center closest to you is your heart, and it is aligned to the iron heart of the Earth. That is your center, and the stars are the landscape. Look towards the Earth, and you will find the true strength of your being. To sow is to deposit a potential, and for it to be New, it is necessary to recognize the originality of this seed as has always been done in genetic modification. And that novelty is returning to earth, Human. Sowing a New Humanity means allowing ourselves to return to Earth to germinate a hidden potential waiting to bloom. And the only way to see the flower and its fruit is if the seed returns to the Earth.

_I: All my culture arises from the earth. Thus, to create a new culture, I must return to the land… I Am Agriculture.

_AM: Sooner or later, all humans will live in the greatest technological era in their history, but it will be the correct technology if, while you fly through the universe, you have the humility to walk barefoot on the ground of your gardens to collect the fruits of the plants. that you have sown with your own hands. The blacker their hands look due to the humus of the garden, the higher their ships will fly to the stars.

_I: I am the Seed of this New Humanity.

_AM: Walk barefoot, and remember: I Am the Earth...

_I: I Am Human…



